Olena Shcherbyna,Vitaly Krikun,Tamila Baulina,,,
Abstract:B a c k g r o u n d . The article examines the appearance, essence and formation of the concept of "echo chamber" in the field of philosophy. The main interpretations and practical aspects of the application of this concept by representatives of the philosophical community are considered. Considering the lack of an established version of the concept of "echo chamber", an attempt was made to define its meaning by analogy with the already established interpretation of a physical analogue, namely, a resonator. The appropriateness of such an analogy is justified. The specifics of the operation of echo chambers are considered by analogy with the operation of the resonator and its associated phenomena. The phenomenon of "intellectual inbreeding" ("geistiger Inzucht") described by H. Franke is considered. M e t h o d s . The theoretical and methodological foundations of the research are based on the principles of scientific objectivity, impartiality and systematicity. During the research, general scientific, philosophical, and special methods of studying social and political phenomena were used, including general methods of analysis, synthesis, and comparative methods. R e s u l t s . The author's understanding of the meaning of the concept of "echo chamber" and the prerequisites for its stability, which are determined by the properties of human consciousness, namely: "comfort zone", "clipping of thinking" and the principle of "own-foreign" are offered. The appropriateness of consideration and the main properties of the echo chamber as a technology of effective communication influence are substantiated. Among the methods of destroying echo chambers, the development of critical thinking skills and digital literacy, compliance with the principles of diversification of information sources and "range of reasonable alternatives", the occurrence of cognitive dissonance, as well as the phenomenon of emotional resonance are considered. C o n c l u s i o n s . Echo chambers pose a significant threat both to the harmonious development of the human personality and to the stable existence of civilized societies. Methods of countering echo chambers require further development and dissemination in society.
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