The Influence of Liquidity, Exchange Rate Profitability and Firm Size on Hedging Decision Making in Bank Companies on the Indonesian Stock Exchange

Maria Gustiana Wanda,Triyonowati .,Bambang Hadi Santoso,,,
Abstract:Risk within banking companies' operational activities is a crucial thing. Investment in the banking financial market has a performance decline as there is uncertainty in gaining higher profits. GDP in the financial service sector declined from 4.49% in the second quarter of 2019 to 1.03% in the second quarter of 2020 with the amount of decline about -77.06% (BPS, 2020). Therefore, banking companies need to do hedging in order to mitigate the risk. This study was quantitative and had a Systematic Literature Review. Moreover, the population was banking companies that had complete financial statements during 2018-2022 and were listed on IDX. Furthermore, the data were secondary and library research. The data analysis technique used discriminant analysis and descriptive analysis. Additionally, the statistical test results showed that liquidity, exchange rate, and firm size of banking companies did not affect hedging decisions. However, profitability which was referred to as ROA affected hedging decisions. It meant the function of discriminant showed that ROA had a strong divide in the companies' tendency of hedging. As a suggestion, the next researcher needed to use other variables outside the study with different years of observation and analysis models; in order to have optimal output
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