Applying the Precautionary Principle to Wireless Technology: Policy Dilemmas and Systemic Risks

Paul Ben Ishai,Hillel Z. Baldwin,Linda S. Birnbaum,Tom Butler,Kent Chamberlin,Devra L. Davis,Theodora Scarato,Hugh Taylor
Environment Science and Policy for Sustainable Development
Abstract:The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. 1 M. H. Repacholi, "A History of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection," Health Physics 113, no. 4 (2017): 282–300. 2 W. W. Mumford, "Some Technical Aspects of Microwave Radiation Hazards," Proceedings of the IRE 49, no. 2 (1961): 427–47. 3 M. Shore, "Review of the Ten-Milliwattt per Square Centimeter Microwave Standard," in A Decade of Progress (Harrisburg, PA: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1978), 32–39. 4 L. David, "Study of Federal Microwave Standards," PRC Energy Analysis Co. (McLean, VA, 1980). 5 In contrast, by the late 1960s, decades of research findings on the existence of low-level nonthermal effects were reported in many studies by Soviet Bloc scientists. The first Russian occupational standard was introduced in 1958 and acknowledged chronic immunologic, ophthalmologic, and other nonthermal impacts. Consequently, the Russians set their limit to power density (PD) = 0.01mW/cm 2 for the duration of a worker's shift. These limits were known to U.S. scientists but generally and spuriously discounted based on supposed flaws in the scientific methods used. Research in the United States and elsewhere focused exclusively on high-level thermal-only acute effect studies and did not evaluate chronic impacts. See also M. Repacholi, Y. Grigoriev, J. Buschmann, and C. Pioli, "Scientific Basis for the Soviet and Russian Radiofrequency Standards for the General Public," Bioelectromagnetics 33, no. 8 (2012): 623–33.; N. H. Steneck, H. J. Cook, A. J. Vander, and G. L. Kane, "The Origins of U.S. Safety Standards for Microwave Radiation," Science 208, no. 4449 (1980): 1230–37.; N. H. Steneck, The Microwave Debate (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984), 93, 181–89. 6 David, note 4. 7 O. P. Gandhi, L. L. Morgan, A. A. de Salles, Y.-Y. Han, R. B. Herberman, and D. L. Davis, "Exposure Limits: The Underestimation of Absorbed Cell Phone Radiation, Especially in Children," Electromagn. Biol. Med . 31, no. 1 (2012): 34–51. 8 A. W. Guy, "Analyses of Electromagnetic Fields Induced in Biological Tissues by Thermographic Studies on Equivalent Phantom Models," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 19, no. 2 (1971): 205–14. 9 Schwan's assumptions and values also informed the growing body of electrical and electronics engineers from the 1960s to the 1990s through the academic curricula he influenced and his participation in the IEEE. 10 Steneck, note 5. 11 The IEEE's Std C95.1-1991 and Std C95.1-2019. 12 Steneck, note 5; K. Buchner and M. Rivasi, "The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection: Conflicts of Interest, Corporate Capture and the Push for 5G," 2020, 98 pages. (This report was commissioned, coordinated, and published by two members of the European Parliament, Michèle Rivasi (Europe Écologie) and Klaus Buchner (Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei), and financed by the Greens/EfA group in the European Parliament. The report was written by Hans van Scharen with editing and additional research support from Tomas Vanheste. Final Editing: Erik Lambert. S. Manard, "5G: l'impartialité du comité qui guide l'Europe pour protéger la population des ondes en question, Un rapport de deux députés européens accuse la commission internationale de protection contre les rayon­nements non ionisants d'être trop proche de l'industrie des télécoms," Le Monde, 19 June 2020. 13 Std C95.1-1982 and Std C95.1-1991. 14 M. Mannan, Y. W. Weldu, and S. G. Al-Ghamdi, "Health Impact of Energy Use in Buildings: Radiation Propagation Assessment in Indoor Environment," Energy Reports 6 (2020): 915–20. doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2019.12.004. 15 Taken together operating at frequencies of 2.4 GHz to 7.125GHz. 16 S. Gallucci, M. Ronato, M. Benini, E. Chiararmello, S. Fiocchi, G. Tognola, and M. Parazzini, "Ass­essment of EMF Human Exposure Levels Due to Wearable Antennas at 5G Frequency Band," Sensors 23 (2023): 104. 17 I. Nasim and S. Kim, "Human EMF Exposure in Wearable Networks for Internet of Battlefield Things," MILCOM 2019—2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Norfolk, VA, 2019, 1–6. doi:10.1109/MILCOM47813.2019.9020889. 18 C. Bandara and D. O. Carpenter, "Planetary -Abstract Truncated-
environmental sciences,environmental studies
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