On de Sitter gravitationally from the spin-torsion primordial density

L.C.Garcia de Andrade
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.gr-qc/9912104
Abstract:Fluctuations on de Sitter solution of Einstein-Cartan field equations are obtained in terms of the matter density primordial density fluctuations and spin-torsion density and matter density fluctuations obtained from COBE data. Einstein-de Sitter solution is shown to be unstable even in the absence of <a class="link-external link-http" href="http://torsion.The" rel="external noopener nofollow">this http URL</a> spin-torsion density fluctuation is simply computed from the Einstein-Cartan equations and from COBE data.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to explore the origin of gravitational instability in the de Sitter cosmological model and its relationship with the spin - torsion primordial fluctuations. Specifically, the author studied the stability problem of the de Sitter solution by combining the Einstein - Cartan field equations and COBE satellite data. ### Core problems of the paper 1. **Stability of the de Sitter solution**: - The author pointed out that the de Sitter solution is unstable even in the absence of torsion. - By introducing spin - torsion density fluctuations, the mechanism of this instability was further explored. 2. **Influence of spin - torsion density fluctuations**: - The author calculated the influence of spin - torsion density fluctuations on the de Sitter solution and compared it with the matter density fluctuations observed by the COBE satellite. - Research shows that spin - torsion density fluctuations are much smaller than matter density fluctuations, but still have an important influence on the early evolution of the universe. ### Formula analysis The following key formulas are used in the paper to describe this problem: 1. **Evolution equation of the Hubble parameter**: \[ H^2=\frac{8\pi G}{3}(\rho - 2\pi G\sigma^2) \] where \(H\) is the Hubble parameter, \(\rho\) is the matter density, and \(\sigma\) is the spin - torsion density. 2. **Time derivative of the Hubble parameter**: \[ \dot{H}+H^2 =-\frac{4\pi G}{3}(\rho + 3p - 8\pi G\sigma^2) \] where \(p\) is the pressure. 3. **Hubble parameter under linear perturbation**: \[ H(t, r)=H(t)[1 + \alpha(r, t)] \] where \(\alpha=\frac{\delta H}{H}\) represents the de Sitter metric density fluctuation. 4. **Matter density fluctuation**: \[ \rho(r, t)=\rho(t)[1 + \beta(r, t)] \] where \(\beta=\frac{\delta\rho}{\rho}\) represents the matter density fluctuation. 5. **Spin - torsion density fluctuation**: \[ \sigma(r, t)=\sigma(t)[1 + \gamma(r, t)] \] where \(\gamma=\frac{\delta\sigma}{\sigma}\) represents the spin - torsion density fluctuation. 6. **Final instability condition**: \[ \alpha = 1+\ln H_0+\frac{8\pi G}{3H_0}t[\rho_0\beta - 16\pi G\sigma_0\gamma] \] This formula shows that in the de Sitter universe, as time passes, spin - torsion density fluctuations will lead to the instability of the solution. ### Conclusion Through these formulas and analyses, the author concludes that the de Sitter solution is unstable in the framework of the Einstein - Cartan theory, and this instability can be quantified by the matter density and spin - torsion density fluctuations in the COBE data. This provides a new perspective for understanding the formation of early - universe structures and may inspire more experiments to measure the spin - torsion density in the universe.