Almost fair perfect matchings in complete bipartite graphs
Abeer Othman,Eli Berger
IF: 0.961
Discrete Mathematics
Abstract:Let { E 1 , … , E m } be a partition of E ( K n , n ) , where K n , n is the complete bipartite graph, and assume that | E i | n ∈ Z . It was conjectured in [1], that there exists a perfect matching M in K n , n with s ( M ) = max i ( | M ∩ E i | − | E i | n ) − min i ( | M ∩ E i | − | E i | n ) ≤ 2 . In this paper, we reprove combinatorially that this conjecture is true when m = 2 or m = 3 . This result is proved in [1] by using topological methods. In the case m = 4 , we prove that there is always a perfect matching M in K n , n with s ( M ) ≤ 11 . We also bring here an unpublished result from 2014 of the second author of this paper together with Irine Lo and Paul Seymour, proving that there exists a function of m alone, f ( m ) , and a perfect matching M in K n , n such that s ( M ) ≤ f ( m ) . This result was later reproved by Alon in [2], where an explicit formulation of f ( m ) was given.