Prospects on Compositeness and New Vector Bosons at LC with Polarization

A.A. Pankov
Abstract:Fermion compositness, and other new physics which can be described by an exchange of very massive particles ($Z^\prime$ boson, leptoquarks, sparticles with R-parity violating couplings), can be manifest itself as the presence of a strong four-fermion contact interaction. For the processes $e^+e^-\to \mu^+\mu^-$, $\tau^+\tau^-$, $\bar{b}b$ and $\bar{c}c$ at a future $e^+e^-$ linear collider (LC) with $\sqrt{s}=0.5$ TeV, we examine the sensitivity of the helicity cross sections to four-fermion contact interactions. If longitudinal polarization of the electron beam were available, two polarized integrated cross sections would offer the opportunity to separate the helicity cross sections and, in this way, to derive model-independent bounds on the relevant parameters. The measurement of these polarized cross sections with optimal kinematical cuts could significantly increase the sensitivity of helicity cross sections to contact interaction parameters and could give crucial information on the chiral structure of such new interactions. In addition, we consider the application of the proposed approach to the search for manifestations of a $Z^\prime$ for typical extended model examples.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: to study four - fermion contact interactions by using polarized beams at the future electron - positron collider (Linear Collider, LC) in order to detect new physical phenomena beyond the standard model. Specifically, the author focuses on: 1. **Compositeness and other new physical phenomena**: - The compositeness hypothesis holds that fermions, which are usually considered as elementary particles, are actually composed of smaller components. This hypothesis can be described by the exchange of very heavy particles (such as \( Z' \) bosons, leptoquarks, supersymmetric particles with R - parity - violating couplings, etc.). - These new physical phenomena can be manifested as strong four - fermion contact interactions. 2. **Improving the sensitivity to four - fermion contact interaction parameters**: - The author has studied the sensitivity of helicity cross - sections to four - fermion contact interactions in the processes of \( e^+e^- \to \mu^+\mu^- \), \( \tau^+\tau^- \), \( \bar{b}b \) and \( \bar{c}c \) carried out on LC. - By using longitudinally polarized electron beams, the helicity cross - sections can be separated by measuring two polarized integrated cross - sections, thus obtaining the boundaries of independent parameters related to these new interactions. 3. **Providing crucial information about the chiral structure of new interactions**: - By measuring these polarized cross - sections and applying the optimal kinematic cuts, the sensitivity to contact interaction parameters can be significantly improved and important information about the chiral structure of these new interactions can be provided. 4. **Exploring the existence of \( Z' \) bosons**: - The author also considers applying this method to search for the manifestations of \( Z' \) bosons in typical extended models, with the hope of discovering this new particle on LC. In summary, the main objective of this paper is to detect and study new physical phenomena beyond the standard model on LC through polarized beams and optimized experimental designs, especially those phenomena that can be manifested through four - fermion contact interactions.