Approximate real time visualization of a Rabi transition by means of continuous fuzzy measurement

J. Audretsch,Th. Konrad,M. Mensky
Abstract:Continuous weak or fuzzy measurement of the Rabi oscillation of a two level atom subjected to a $\pi-$pulse of a resonant light field is simulated numerically. We thereby address the question whether it is possible to measure characteristic features of the motion of the state of a single quantum system in real time. We compare two schemes of continuous measurement: continuous measurement with constant fuzziness and with fuzziness changing in the course of the measurement. Because the sensitivity of the Rabi atom to the influence of the measurement depends on the state of the atom, it is possible to optimize the continuous fuzzy measurement by varying its fuzziness.
Quantum Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: **How to visualize the state evolution characteristics of a single - quantum system (such as a two - level atom), especially the characteristics of Rabi oscillations, through an appropriate measurement scheme in real - time situations**. Specifically, the author explores whether it is possible to observe the Rabi transition of a two - level atom under the action of a π - pulse in real - time through continuous fuzzy measurement in a single implementation, and minimize the influence of measurement on the system evolution as much as possible. ### Main problems and background 1. **Problem description**: - Research on the Rabi oscillations of a single two - level atom under the action of a resonant light field π - pulse. - The goal is to observe the evolution characteristics of the atomic state in real - time without resetting the system, especially the change of \( |c_2(t)|^2 \). 2. **Limitations of traditional methods**: - Projection measurement requires the system to be re - prepared before each measurement, which is not feasible in practical operations. - Continuous projection measurement will lead to the Quantum Zeno effect, that is, the evolution of the system is frozen. 3. **Proposed solutions**: - Use continuous fuzzy measurement. This type of measurement has less impact on the system but lower resolution. - Explore different types of continuous fuzzy measurement schemes, including constant fuzziness and fuzziness that changes with time or energy, to optimize measurement efficiency. ### Specific research content - **Constant fuzziness measurement**: - Analyzed the softness and reliability under different fuzziness \( T_{\text{eff}} \) and showed the trade - off relationship between them. - **Time - dependent fuzziness measurement**: - Proposed a measurement scheme in which the fuzziness changes with time, especially using larger fuzziness at the beginning and end of the π - pulse and smaller fuzziness in the middle stage. - The results show that this method can improve reliability while maintaining high softness. - **Energy - dependent fuzziness measurement**: - Proposed a measurement scheme in which the fuzziness changes with energy readings, that is, using larger fuzziness when the system is close to the energy eigenstate. - The results show that in the intermediate region, the effect of energy - dependent fuzziness measurement is better than that of constant fuzziness measurement. ### Conclusion By introducing the concept of continuous fuzzy measurement, the author has proved that the state evolution of a single - quantum system can be visualized in real - time to a certain extent. In particular, by optimizing the time - dependence and energy - dependence of fuzziness, the reliability and softness of measurement can be significantly improved, so as to better capture the characteristics of Rabi oscillations. ### Summary of mathematical formulas - Definition of fuzziness: \[ T_{\text{eff}}=\frac{4\pi}{\kappa (\Delta E)^2} \] - Effective Schrödinger equation: \[ i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}|\psi[E]_t\rangle = H[E]|\psi[E]_t\rangle \] where, \[ H[E]=H - i\kappa\hbar(H_0 - E(t))^2 \] - Definition of softness: \[ s=\int_U p[E]d[E]\quad\text{with}\quad U = \{ [E]\mid|c_2(T)|^2\geq0.5\} \] - Definition of reliability: \[ r = \frac{1}{d}\quad\text{with}\quad d^2=\int p[E]d[E]\frac{1}{T}\int dt\left(\frac{E(t)-E_1}{\Delta E}-|c_2(t)|^2\right)