RETRACTION: "Coinhibition of S1PR1 and GP130 by siRNA-loaded Alginate-conjugated Trimethyl Chitosan Nanoparticles Robustly Blocks Development of Cancer Cells"
Abstract:N. Rostami, A. Nikkhoo, Y. Khazaei-poul, S. Farhadi, M. Sadat Haeri, S. Moghadaszadeh Ardebili, N. Aghaei Vanda, F. Atyabi, A. Namdar, M. Baghaei, N. Haghnavaz, T. Kazemi, M. Yousefi, G. Ghalamfarsa, G. Sabz, F. Jadidi-Niaragh, "Coinhibition of S1PR1 and GP130 by siRNA-loaded Alginate-conjugated Trimethyl Chitosan Nanoparticles Robustly Blocks Development of Cancer Cells," Journal of Cellular Physiology 235, no. 12 (2020): 9702-9717, The above article, published online on 18 May 2020 in Wiley Online Library (, has been retracted by agreement between the journal Editor-in-Chief, Alexander Hutchison; and Wiley Periodicals LLC. The retraction has been agreed due to concerns raised by third parties on the data presented in the article. Specifically, the spectra in Figure 2c and 2d display irregularities suggesting data manipulation or fabrication. The data provided by the corresponding author upon request was inadequate to address the concerns. Therefore, the editors consider the conclusions of this article to be invalid. The authors have been informed of the decision of retraction.