Efficient Private Comparison Queries Over Encrypted Databases Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption With Finite Fields

Benjamin Hong Meng Tan,Hyung Tae Lee,Huaxiong Wang,Shuqin Ren,Khin Mi Mi Aung
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/tdsc.2020.2967740
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Abstract:To achieve security and privacy for data stored on the cloud, we need the ability to secure data in compute. Equality comparisons, "<span class="mjpage"><svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="11.581ex" height="2.009ex" style="vertical-align: -0.671ex;" viewBox="0 -576.1 4986.2 865.1" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)"> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-78" x="0" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-3D" x="850" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-79" x="1906" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-2C" x="2404" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-78" x="2849" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-6E" x="3421" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-65" x="4022" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-79" x="4488" y="0"></use></g></svg></span>x=y,x≠y", have been widely studied with many proposals but there is much room for improvement for order comparisons, "<span class="mjpage"><svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="33.415ex" height="2.509ex" style="vertical-align: -0.671ex;" viewBox="0 -791.3 14386.9 1080.4" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)"> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-78" x="0" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-3C" x="850" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-79" x="1906" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-2C" x="2404" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-78" x="3099" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-6C" x="3671" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-65" x="3970" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-71" x="4436" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-79" x="4897" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-2C" x="5394" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-78" x="6089" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-3E" x="6940" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-79" x="7996" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-74" x="8493" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-65" x="8855" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-78" x="9321" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-74" x="9894" y="0"></use><g transform="translate(10255,0)"> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-61" x="0" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-6E" x="529" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-64" x="1130" y="0"></use></g> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-78" x="11909" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-67" x="12481" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-65" x="12962" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-71" x="13428" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-79" x="13889" y="0"></use></g></svg></span>x<y,x≤y,x>yandx≥y". Most protocols for order comparisons have some limitation, either leaking some information about the data or requiring several rounds of communication between client and server. In addition, little work has been done on retrieving with compound conditions, mixing several equality and order comparisons. Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) promises the ability to compute arbitrary functions on encrypted data without sacrificing privacy and without communication, but its potential has yet to be fulfilled. Particularly, private comparisons for database queries using FHE are expen-ive to compute. In this article, we design an efficient private database query (PDQ) protocol which supports compound conditions with equality and order comparisons. To this end, we first present a private comparison algorithm on encrypted integers using FHE, which scales efficiently for the length of input integers, by applying techniques from finite field theory. Then, we consider a scenario for PDQ protocols, querying for values based on a conjunction of one order and four equality conditions on key columns. The proposed algorithm and protocol are implemented and tested to determine their performance in practice. The proposed comparison algorithm takes about <span class="mjpage"><svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="6.459ex" height="2.176ex" style="vertical-align: -0.338ex;" viewBox="0 -791.3 2781 936.9" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)"> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-32"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-35" x="500" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-2E" x="1001" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-32" x="1279" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-35" x="1780" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-39" x="2280" y="0"></use></g></svg></span>25.259 seconds to compare 697 pairs of 64-bit integers using Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan's leveled FHE scheme with single instruction multiple data (SIMD) techniques at more than 138 bits of security. This yields an amortized rate of just 36 milliseconds per comparison. On top of that, we show that our techniques achieve an efficient PDQ protocol for one order and four equality comparisons, achieving an amortized time and communication cost of 57 milliseconds and 448 bytes per database element.</y,x≤y,x><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="display: none;"><defs id="MathJax_SVG_glyphs"><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-78" d="M52 289Q59 331 106 386T222 442Q257 442 286 424T329 379Q371 442 430 442Q467 442 494 420T522 361Q522 332 508 314T481 292T458 288Q439 288 427 299T415 328Q415 374 465 391Q454 404 425 404Q412 404 406 402Q368 386 350 336Q290 115 290 78Q290 50 306 38T341 26Q378 26 414 59T463 140Q466 150 469 151T485 153H489Q504 153 504 145Q504 144 502 134Q486 77 440 33T333 -11Q263 -11 227 52Q186 -10 133 -10H127Q78 -10 57 16T35 71Q35 103 54 123T99 143Q142 143 142 101Q142 81 130 66T107 46T94 41L91 40Q91 39 97 36T113 29T132 26Q168 26 194 71Q203 87 217 139T245 247T261 313Q266 340 266 352Q266 380 251 392T217 404Q177 404 142 372T93 290Q91 281 88 280T72 278H58Q52 284 52 289Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-3D" d="M56 347Q56 360 70 367H707Q722 359 722 347Q722 336 708 328L390 327H72Q56 332 56 347ZM56 153Q56 168 72 173H708Q722 163 722 153Q722 140 707 133H70Q56 140 56 153Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-79" d="M21 287Q21 301 36 335T84 406T158 442Q199 442 224 419T250 355Q248 336 247 334Q247 331 231 288T198 191T182 105Q182 62 196 45T238 27Q261 27 281 38T312 61T339 94Q339 95 344 114T358 173T377 247Q415 397 419 404Q432 431 462 431Q475 431 483 424T494 412T496 403Q496 390 447 193T391 -23Q363 -106 294 -155T156 -205Q111 -205 77 -183T43 -117Q43 -95 50 -80T69 -58T89 -48T106 -45Q150 -45 150 -87Q150 -107 138 -122T115 -142T102 -147L99 -148Q101 -153 118 -160T152 -167H160Q177 -167 186 -165Q219 -156 247 -127T290 -65T313 -9T321 21L315 17Q309 13 296 6T270 -6Q250 -11 231 -11Q185 -11 150 11T104 82Q103 89 103 113Q103 170 138 262T173 379Q173 380 173 381Q173 390 173 393T169 400T158 404H154Q131 404 112 385T82 344T65 302T57 280Q55 278 41 278H27Q21 284 21 287Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-2C" d="M78 35T78 60T94 103T137 121Q165 121 187 96T210 8Q210 -27 201 -60T180 -117T154 -158T130 -185T117 -194Q113 -194 104 -185T95 -172Q95 -168 106 -156T131 -126T157 -76T173 -3V9L172 8Q170 7 167 6T161 3T152 1T140 0Q113 0 96 17Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-6E" d="M21 287Q22 293 24 303T36 341T56 388T89 425T135 442Q171 442 195 424T225 390T231 369Q231 367 232 367L243 378Q304 442 382 442Q436 442 469 415T503 336T465 179T427 52Q427 26 444 26Q450 26 453 27Q482 32 505 65T540 145Q542 153 560 153Q580 153 580 145Q580 144 576 130Q568 101 554 73T508 17T439 -10Q392 -10 371 17T350 73Q350 92 386 193T423 345Q423 404 379 404H374Q288 404 229 303L222 291L189 157Q156 26 151 16Q138 -11 108 -11Q95 -11 87 -5T76 7T74 17Q74 30 112 180T152 343Q153 348 153 366Q153 405 129 405Q91 405 66 305Q60 285 60 284Q58 278 41 278H27Q21 284 21 287Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-65" d="M39 168Q39 225 58 272T107 350T174 402T244 433T307 442H310Q355 442 388 420T421 355Q421 265 310 237Q261 224 176 223Q139 223 138 221Q138 219 132 186T125 128Q125 81 146 54T209 26T302 45T394 111Q403 121 406 121Q410 121 419 112T429 98T420 82T390 55T344 24T281 -1T205 -11Q126 -11 83 42T39 168ZM373 353Q367 405 305 405Q272 405 244 391T199 357T170 316T154 280T149 261Q149 260 169 260Q282 260 327 284T373 353Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-3C" d="M694 -11T694 -19T688 -33T678 -40Q671 -40 524 29T234 166L90 235Q83 240 83 250Q83 261 91 266Q664 540 678 540Q681 540 687 534T694 519T687 505Q686 504 417 376L151 250L417 124Q686 -4 687 -5Q694 -11 694 -19Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-6C" d="M117 59Q117 26 142 26Q179 26 205 131Q211 151 215 152Q217 153 225 153H229Q238 153 241 153T246 151T248 144Q247 138 245 128T234 90T214 43T183 6T137 -11Q101 -11 70 11T38 85Q38 97 39 102L104 360Q167 615 167 623Q167 626 166 628T162 632T157 634T149 635T141 636T132 637T122 637Q112 637 109 637T101 638T95 641T94 647Q94 649 96 661Q101 680 107 682T179 688Q194 689 213 690T243 693T254 694Q266 694 266 686Q266 675 193 386T118 83Q118 81 118 75T117 65V59Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-71" d="M33 157Q33 258 109 349T280 441Q340 441 372 389Q373 390 377 395T388 406T404 418Q438 442 450 442Q454 442 457 439T460 434Q460 425 391 149Q320 -135 320 -139Q320 -147 365 -148H390Q396 -156 396 -157T393 -175Q389 -188 383 -194H370Q339 -192 262 -192Q234 -192 211 -192T174 -192T157 -193Q143 -193 143 -185Q143 -182 145 -170Q149 -154 152 -151T172 -148Q220 -148 230 -141Q238 -136 258 -53T279 32Q279 33 272 29Q224 -10 172 -10Q117 -10 75 30T33 157ZM352 326Q329 405 277 405Q242 405 210 374T160 293Q131 214 119 129Q119 126 119 118T118 106Q118 61 136 44T179 26Q233 26 290 98L298 109L352 326Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-3E" d="M84 520Q84 528 88 533T96 539L99 540Q106 540 253 471T544 334L687 265Q694 260 694 250T687 235Q685 233 395 96L107 -40H101Q83 -38 83 -20Q83 -19 83 -17Q82 -10 98 -1Q117 9 248 71Q326 108 378 132L626 250L378 368Q90 504 86 509Q84 513 84 520Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-74" d="M26 385Q19 392 19 395Q19 399 22 411T27 425Q29 430 36 430T87 431H140L159 511Q162 522 166 540T173 566T179 586T187 603T197 615T211 624T229 626Q247 625 254 615T261 596Q261 589 252 549T232 470L222 433Q222 431 272 431H323Q330 424 330 420Q330 398 317 385H210L174 240Q135 80 135 68Q135 26 162 26Q197 26 230 60T283 144Q285 150 288 151T303 153H307Q322 153 322 145Q322 142 319 133Q314 117 301 95T267 48T216 6T155 -11Q125 -11 98 4T59 56Q57 64 57 83V101L92 241Q127 382 128 383Q128 385 77 385H26Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-61" d="M33 157Q33 258 109 349T280 441Q331 441 370 392Q386 422 416 422Q429 422 439 414T449 394Q449 381 412 234T374 68Q374 43 381 35T402 26Q411 27 422 35Q443 55 463 131Q469 151 473 152Q475 153 483 153H487Q506 153 506 144Q506 138 501 117T481 63T449 13Q436 0 417 -8Q409 -10 393 -10Q359 -10 336 5T306 36L300 51Q299 52 296 50Q294 48 292 46Q233 -10 172 -10Q117 -10 75 30T33 157ZM351 328Q351 334 346 350T323 385T277 405Q242 405 210 374T160 293Q131 214 119 129Q119 126 119 118T118 106Q118 61 136 44T179 26Q217 26 254 59T298 110Q300 114 325 217T351 328Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-64" d="M366 683Q367 683 438 688T511 694Q523 694 523 686Q523 679 450 384T375 83T374 68Q374 26 402 26Q411 27 422 35Q443 55 463 131Q469 151 473 152Q475 153 483 153H487H491Q506 153 506 145Q506 140 503 129Q490 79 473 48T445 8T417 -8Q409 -10 393 -10Q359 -10 336 5T306 36L300 51Q299 52 296 50Q294 48 292 46Q233 -10 172 -10Q117 -10 75 30T33 157Q33 205 53 255T101 341Q148 398 195 420T280 442Q336 442 364 400Q369 394 369 396Q370 400 396 505T424 616Q424 629 417 632T378 637H357Q351 643 351 645T353 664Q358 683 366 683ZM352 326Q329 405 277 405Q242 405 210 374T160 293Q131 214 119 129Q119 126 119 118T118 106Q118 61 136 44T179 26Q233 26 290 98L298 109L352 326Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-67" d="M311 43Q296 30 267 15T206 0Q143 0 105 45T66 160Q66 265 143 353T314 442Q361 442 401 394L404 398Q406 401 409 404T418 412T431 419T447 422Q461 422 470 413T480 394Q480 379 423 152T363 -80Q345 -134 286 -169T151 -205Q10 -205 10 -137Q10 -111 28 -91T74 -71Q89 -71 102 -80T116 -111Q116 -121 114 -130T107 -144T99 -154T92 -162L90 -164H91Q101 -167 151 -167Q189 -167 211 -155Q234 -144 254 -122T282 -75Q288 -56 298 -13Q311 35 311 43ZM384 328L380 339Q377 350 375 354T369 368T359 382T346 393T328 402T306 405Q262 405 221 352Q191 313 171 233T151 117Q151 38 213 38Q269 38 323 108L331 118L384 328Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-32" d="M109 429Q82 429 66 447T50 491Q50 562 103 614T235 666Q326 666 387 610T449 465Q449 422 429 383T381 315T301 241Q265 210 201 149L142 93L218 92Q375 92 385 97Q392 99 409 186V189H449V186Q448 183 436 95T421 3V0H50V19V31Q50 38 56 46T86 81Q115 113 136 137Q145 147 170 174T204 211T233 244T261 278T284 308T305 340T320 369T333 401T340 431T343 464Q343 527 309 573T212 619Q179 619 154 602T119 569T109 550Q109 549 114 549Q132 549 151 535T170 489Q170 464 154 447T109 429Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-35" d="M164 157Q164 133 148 117T109 101H102Q148 22 224 22Q294 22 326 82Q345 115 345 210Q345 313 318 349Q292 382 260 382H254Q176 382 136 314Q132 307 129 306T114 304Q97 304 95 310Q93 314 93 485V614Q93 664 98 664Q100 666 102 666Q103 666 123 658T178 642T253 634Q324 634 389 662Q397 666 402 666Q410 666 410 648V635Q328 538 205 538Q174 538 149 544L139 546V374Q158 388 169 396T205 412T256 420Q337 420 393 355T449 201Q449 109 385 44T229 -22Q148 -22 99 32T50 154Q50 178 61 192T84 210T107 214Q132 214 148 197T164 157Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-2E" d="M78 60Q78 84 95 102T138 120Q162 120 180 104T199 61Q199 36 182 18T139 0T96 17T78 60Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-39" d="M352 287Q304 211 232 211Q154 211 104 270T44 396Q42 412 42 436V444Q42 537 111 606Q171 666 243 666Q245 666 249 666T257 665H261Q273 665 286 663T323 651T370 619T413 560Q456 472 456 334Q456 194 396 97Q361 41 312 10T208 -22Q147 -22 108 7T68 93T121 149Q143 149 158 135T173 96Q173 78 164 65T148 49T135 44L131 43Q131 41 138 37T164 27T206 22H212Q272 22 313 86Q352 142 352 280V287ZM244 248Q292 248 321 297T351 430Q351 508 343 542Q341 552 337 562T323 588T293 615T246 625Q208 625 181 598Q160 576 154 546T147 441Q147 358 152 329T172 282Q197 248 244 248Z"></path></defs></svg>
computer science, information systems, software engineering, hardware & architecture
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