Landscape drivers of coastal dune mobility
Thomas Smyth,Ryan Wilson,Paul Rooney,Katherine Yates
Abstract:<p>Coastal dunes are dynamic landforms whose morphology is governed primarily by climate and vegetation dynamics. Over the last 50 years, coastal sand dunes across the globe have dramatically &#8216;greened&#8217; and wind speeds fallen (Pye et al., 2014; Delgado-Fernandez et al., 2019; Jackson et al., 2019), reducing aeolian transport of sediment and minimising dune reshaping by near-surface winds.&#160; This rapid vegetation has also been attributed to a dramatic decline of several rare species of plants and invertebrates in several coastal dune systems (Howe et al., 2010; Pye et al., 2014). In an effort to increase habitat diversity, large-scale vegetation removal and dune re-profiling are becoming increasingly common interventions. However sustained aeolian activity following intervention appears to be rare (Arens et al., 2013).</p><p>In order to better understand the environmental drivers of long-term dune mobility, this work explores the landscape scale physical factors related to self-sustaining &#8216;natural&#8217; mobile dunes across the United Kingdom. The analysis presented includes the use of geographically weighted regression, a spatial analysis technique that models the local relationships between predictors (e.g. wind speed, slope, elevation, aspect, surface roughness) and an outcome of interest (mobile dunes). It is hoped that the results of this work will help guide decision-making with regards the location, scale and morphology of future interventions in order to maximise their sustainability, minimising the need for maintenance and further intervention.</p><p>References</p><p>Arens, S.M., Slings, Q.L., Geelen, L.H. and Van der Hagen, H.G., 2013. Restoration of dune mobility in the Netherlands. In&#160;Restoration of coastal dunes&#160;(pp. 107-124). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.</p><p>Delgado-Fernandez, I., O'Keeffe, N., & Davidson-Arnott, R. G. (2019). Natural and human controls on dune vegetation cover and disturbance.&#160;Science of The Total Environment,&#160;672, 643-656.</p><p>Howe, M. A., Knight, G. T., & Clee, C. (2010). The importance of coastal sand dunes for terrestrial invertebrates in Wales and the UK, with particular reference to aculeate Hymenoptera (bees, wasps & ants).&#160;Journal of Coastal Conservation,&#160;14(2), 91-102.</p><p>Jackson, D. W., Costas, S., Gonz&#225;lez-Villanueva, R., & Cooper, A. (2019). A global &#8216;greening&#8217;of coastal dunes: An integrated consequence of climate change?.&#160;Global and Planetary Change,&#160;182, 103026.</p><p>Pye, K., Blott, S. J., & Howe, M. A. (2014). Coastal dune stabilization in Wales and requirements for rejuvenation.&#160;Journal of coastal conservation,&#160;18(1), 27-54.</p>