Effect of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms and Phosphorus Levels on Growth Yield and Quality of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Inceptisol

Waghmare M.S,Ugile S.K.,Chavan P. G.,Waghmode B.G.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2024/v36i54540
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science
Abstract:A field study was conducted to know the “Effect of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms and phosphorus levels on growth, yield and quality of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in inceptisol.” The experiment was laid in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with sixteen treatments, replicated thrice during rabi season of 2019-20 at the Department Research Farm of SSAC, College of Agriculture, Latur. The treatments comprises four main (absolute control, Bacillus megaterium, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus awamori @ 10 ml kg-1 seed treatment) and four sub treatments (0,45,60 and 75 P2O5 kg ha-1). The results indicated that, the incorporation of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms viz. Aspergillius awamori @ 10 ml kg-1 seed in combination with soil application of 75 P2O5 kg ha-1 found to be effective in improving growth and yield attributing characters viz. number of root nodules, fresh and dry weight, chlorophyll content , grain yield and straw yield as compared to Aspergillus niger and Bacillus megaterium along with 60 P2O5 kg ha-1 and over control. Further results revealed that test weight and protein percentage was significantly influenced with the seed treatment of Aspergillius awamori @ 10 ml kg-1 seed in combination with application of 75 P2O5 kg ha-1.
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