,Alina Chaikina,Oleksandr Kudinov,
Abstract:Modern views on the “regional policy” definition were studied and it was proposed to consider regional policy as a state strategy at the regional level, which is aimed at the balanced development of territories, provides for the formation of opportunities for regions independently and under their responsibility to make and implement management decisions regarding their functioning, as well as to create appropriate social, economic and environmental conditions for the life of the population. It was developed based on European experience, a conceptual approach to understanding regional policy, considering the SDGs. It was revealed that the regional policy should be aimed at forming a qualitatively new sustainable development strategy, which involves realizing economic, social, and environmental potential, considering the interests of all interested parties and the norms of domestic legislation. It has been proven that the regional economic policy provides for the formation of each territorial unit's competitive advantages to increase the level of profitability, support innovative shifts, apply SMART-specialization by regions, promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, improve the attractiveness of regions for foreign investors, etc. Regional social policy should be aimed at increasing the share of people who want to open their own business, improving the welfare of the population, reducing the level of unemployment and migration, developing infrastructure, promoting employment among women and youth, professional training and retraining of the population, promoting inclusiveness of local authorities, etc. The regional environmental policy should provide for the communal sphere development, primarily centralized water supply and drainage, the implementation of targeted energy-saving projects, reduction of atmospheric emissions, rational use of resources, increasing public awareness of environmental policy and eco-management, etc. It was revealed that a feature of regional policy formation in Ukraine today is the introduced martial law. Therefore, the issue of regional policy formation in a dynamic environment with the use of modern information technologies, which will help to form strategic goals of sustainable development and ensure the post-war recovery of regions, is particularly relevant today.