N. V. Rybalka,,K. I. Mykhalchenko,
Abstract:Objective. The objective of the article is to define the essence and content of the concept of "phonetic interference"; identify the conditions for the occurrence of interference, the forms and features of its manifestation during the study of German as a second foreign language after English, and identify methodical ways to overcome it. Methods. The main scientific results are obtained using such research methods as theoretical and comparative analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, generalization of best practices and observation. Results. A person learning a foreign language sets himself the goal of mastering one or several languages as best as possible. Accordingly, there is an unwanted transfer from one language to another, due to which the process of language acquisition often suffers from violations. But as in any other case, transference has two types: positive and negative transference (interference). Most linguists are mostly concerned with negative transfer, because the interference of one language into another is easily felt and known. Negative transference/interference is caused by a deviation from the norm. This means that the transfer of phonetics, grammar or vocabulary from a language that an individual has already mastered will lead to errors when learning a new foreign language. Mastery of one language can also facilitate mastery of another, which is equivalent to positive transfer. However, positive transference is often difficult to perceive. As a result of the similarity of languages, students, as a rule, when learning a new language, borrow phonetic, morphological or grammatical rules from the language they studied before. If borrowing or, accordingly, transfer helps and brings relief to the new language, then we can talk about positive transfer. In order to communicate well and understand other people in a new language, it is necessary to pronounce the sounds of the language, words and expressions correctly. In the "Ukrainian - English - German" trinity, the native language, mastered in a natural language environment, occupies a dominant place, and the level of mastery of it is, of course, much higher than that of foreign languages. The individual has a lower level of each system following the native language. However, a mediocre command of a second and/or third language does not prevent an individual from being considered multilingual, as he is able to switch codes, alternately use different language systems and communicate at a level that is accessible to him. Each subsequent language experiences the influence of the previous one, so bilingualism and multilingualism inevitably lead to interference. According to some scientists, phonetic interference is one of the most difficult and urgent problems of modern linguistics. The study of accent or phonetic deviations in the system of the secondary language of bilinguals is especially relevant for determining the acceptability or unacceptability of certain phonetic deviations in non-native speech. References: Anisimova, O. (2011). Do problem dydaktychnoho zistavlennia kontaktuiuchykh mov u protsesi navchannia druhoi inozemnoi movy [To the problems of didactic comparison of contact languages in the process of learning a second foreign language]. Pedagogy of creative personality formation in higher and secondary schools. Zaporizhzhia, Issues 15(68), pp. 51–57. Demianenko, O. Ye. (2005). Fonetychna interferentsiia pid chas vzaiemodii zvukovykh system ridnoi, neridnoi ta inozemnoi mov [Phonetic interference during the interaction of sound systems of native, non-native and foreign languages] Science and education: science and practice. Magazine, 1–2, pp. 110–112. Kardash, V. (2016). Riznoaspektni doslidzhennia movnoi interferentsii [Different aspects of language interference studies]. Young scientist, no. 2, pp. 280–283. Available at: Rybalka, N. V. (2024). Problema interferentsii pry navchanni nimetskoi movy yak druhoi inozemnoi [The problem of interference in teaching German as a second foreign language]. Modern engineering and innovative technologies, Issue No31, Part 4, 134-139. Available at: Alexiadis, Georgios (2008). Zwischensprachliche Interferenzerscheinungen innerhalb der kontrastiven Linguistik und der Neurolinguistik am Beispiel Deutsch Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der philologisch-historischen Fakultät der Universität Augsburg. Augsburg. 163 S. Flege, J. E., Yeni-Komshian, G. H. & Liu, S. (1999). Age constraints on second-language acquisition. Journal of Memory and Language, 41(1), pp.78-104.