Ancient Indian Education: It’s Relevance and Importance in the Modern Education System
Nandita Mishra,P. S. Aithal
Abstract:Purpose: India has a rich tradition of education and learning right from ancient times and especially during the Renaissance period, the Golden Age of Indian Culture. The major three achievements in education, during this period were the decimal system, the great Sanskrit epics, and the contribution to the sciences of astronomy, mathematics, and metallurgy. The four Vedas, i.e., the Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and the Atharvaveda were configured through ideals, practices, and conducts. The doctrine of action (Karma) occupies a very significant place in the Indian system of education and has evolved during the transition from ancient to modern education. Two methods of teaching were being practiced during the Vedic period. First, the verbal/oral method, and the second based on thinking (Chintan). Current higher education has shown trends of multidisciplinary approaches along similar lines. NEP 2020 also suggests a multidisciplinary approach. Bloom’s Taxonomy defines three domains of learning, cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The ancient education system is also based on the three domains, to develop higher-order learning by building up the lower-level cognitive skills. Approach: The exploratory study based on secondary published research articles on the education system in India, seeks to interpret extant academic research on the relevance of the ancient education system in modern multidisciplinary education. Findings: The literature analysis emphasizes that ancient learning systems based on Vedas included many yogic practices. In general, to calm the mind and improve learning, asanas, chanting of mantras, and meditation were done. The same practices are emphasized by HEI, guided by UGC and AICTE. Universal Human value (UHV) has been implemented for all-around personality development and practice of an integrated approach in Yoga. Modern methods to develop memory include the logical method, spaced learning, and rational memory. All of these are derived from the ancient way of teaching and learning. Using the ABCD listing methodology this paper explores the advantages, benefits, constraints, and disadvantages of the modern education system, both from learners’ viewpoint and teachers’ viewpoint. Type of Paper: Exploratory Research.