Attitude of Grade III A Teachers towards joining the Ordinary Diploma in Primary Teacher Education of the Open University of Tanzania: Empirical Evidence from Katavi Region
Newton M. Kyando
Abstract:This study examined the public attitude towards the Ordinary Diploma in Primary Teachers Education (ODPTE) of the Open University of Tanzania in Katavi region. The study employed a case study design and applied a qualitative approach. With a sample of 113, the study involved participants ranging from the OUT-Staff, Regional Administrative Secretary, Region Education Officer, District Executive Directors, District Education Officers, Ward Education Officers, Head Teachers, Other Teachers, Students and Graduates. Interview method was used for data collection and themes were used as a base for data analysis. The findings revealed that many Grade (III) A teachers had information about the ODPTE programme as compared to the rest of the community. Student-teachers knew about ODPTE from the fellow teachers. The findings indicated that Grade III A teachers were motivated to join the programme to improve knowledge, attract salary increments, pedagogical development and strengthen their CVs. Others reasons, were further study, family care and affordable cost. The findings also revealed that there was a shortage of learning materials, library, difficult to secure permit for face-to-face sessions conducted at zona level, long distance from the regional Centre and ICT issues. It was concluded that public attitude on ODPTE is mixed because of limited information about OUT, ODL and the ODPTE programme. Limitations of information is attributed to media, content and language use on the issues related to ODL, OUT and ODPTE. The study recommended that the OUT should prepare the learning materials to communicate with employers for awareness of the programme, to open sub-centres in councils and the improvement of the regional Centre library.