Pengembangan virtual field trips berbasis Geospatial Technology: Peningkatan kompetensi TPACK guru melalui GeoEdu Workshop
Alfyananda Kurnia Putra,Sumarmi Sumarmi,Budi Handoyo,Purwanto Purwanto,Muhamad Naufal Islam
Jurnal Integrasi dan Harmoni Inovatif Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (JIHI3S)
Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges in the teaching-learning process. Teacher competencies and skills need to be applied to learning in optimizing learning, one of which is through the actualization of Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge (TPACK). However, teachers experience problems in implementing TPACK with the emergence of negative perceptions of technology integration, and Geography teachers are no exception. Geography teachers are constrained in integrating learning technology. The characteristics of the material with pedagogical practices, effective content management, and the integration of complex technology are obstacles for Geography teachers. This service aims to improve the knowledge and skills of Geography teachers towards increasing TPACK in learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The subject of this service is Geography teacher with a total of 86 people. The method in this service uses socialization and training which includes lecture, discussion and question and answer activities with three stages, including (1) the Preparation Phase, (2) the Implementation Phase, and (3) the Evaluation and Follow-up Phase. The results of the service show that Geography teachers have succeeded in increasing TPACK competencies, through pedagogical practices, effective content management, and good integration of complex technology.
Pandemi COVID-19 memberikan tantangan dalam proses belajar-mengajar. Kompetensi dan keterampilan guru perlu diterapkan pada pembelajaran dalam optimalisasi pembelajaran, salah satunya melalui aktualisasi Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge (TPACK). Namun, guru mengalami kendala implementasi TPACK dengan munculnya persepsi negatif terhadap integrasi teknologi, tak terkecuali guru Geografi. Guru Geografi terkendala dalam integrasi teknologi pembelajaran. Karakteristik materi dengan praktik pedagogi, manajemen konten efektif, serta integrasi teknologi kompleks menjadi kendala guru Geografi. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru Geografi terhadap peningkatan TPACK dalam pembelajaran masa pandemi COVID-19. Subjek pengabdian ini guru Geografi dengan jumlah 86 orang. Metode dalam pengabdian ini menggunakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan yang meliputi kegiatan ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab dengan tiga tahapan, meliputi (1) Tahap Persiapan, (2) Tahap Pelaksanaan, dan (3) Tahap Evaluasi dan Tindak Lanjut. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa guru Geografi telah berhasil dalam meningkatkan kompetensi TPACK, melalui praktik pedagogi, manajemen konten efektif, serta integrasi teknologi kompleks yang baik.