Colour Octet effects in Quarkonium Physics

F. Maltoni
Abstract:The importance of including colour octet contributions in describing decay and production of quarkonium states is briefly discussed for two cases : the radiative decays of the $\Upsilon$ and the production of $J/\psi$ in the inclusive $B$ decays. It is shown how information on the non-perturbative matrix elements can be obtained by comparing the theoretical expressions computed at next-to-leading order in $\alpha_s$ with the experimental data.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: **In describing the production and decay processes of quarkonium (heavy quark - antiquark bound states), the importance of the color - octet contribution and its impact on experimental data**. Specifically, the paper explores two cases: 1. **Radiative decay of Υ meson**: - Consistently describe the photon energy spectrum in Υ → γ + X decay by including the color - octet contribution. - The paper shows how to obtain information on non - perturbative matrix elements by comparing theoretical calculations (at the next - to - leading order in α_s) with experimental data. 2. **Semi - inclusive decay of B meson containing J/ψ**: - Consider the importance of the color - octet contribution in describing the process of B meson decaying into J/ψ + X. - By comparing theoretical predictions with experimental data, extract information about color - octet matrix elements and verify the universality of these matrix elements. ### Main problems and solutions 1. **Necessity of color - octet contribution**: - The color - octet contribution is indispensable in describing certain processes. For example, in the radiative decay of Υ meson, the color - octet contribution in the low - z region is of the same order of magnitude as the leading - order color - singlet contribution. - In the process of B meson decaying into J/ψ, although the color - octet contribution is suppressed by the relative velocity v^4, since the weak effective Hamiltonian is more favorable for producing color - octet c¯c pairs, these contributions must be included. 2. **Extraction of non - perturbative matrix elements**: - By comparing theoretical calculations (at the next - to - leading order in α_s) with experimental data, information on non - perturbative matrix elements can be obtained. - The values of these matrix elements can be extracted from one process and used to predict other processes, thereby verifying the universality of matrix elements in the NRQCD framework. ### Formula summary - The formula for describing physical quantities (such as decay width or cross - section) is: \[ Q(H)=\sum_{n} c_{n}\langle O_{n}(H)\rangle \] where \( c_{n} \) are short - distance coefficients and can be perturbatively calculated; \( \langle O_{n}(H)\rangle \) are non - perturbative matrix elements. - The formula for describing the photon energy spectrum of Υ meson radiative decay is: \[ \frac{d\Gamma}{dz}=C_{\gamma}(z)+\sum_{a = q,\bar{q},g}\int_{z}^{1}\frac{dx}{x}C_{a}(x,\mu_{F})D_{a\rightarrow\gamma}\left(\frac{z}{x},\mu_{F}\right) \] where \( z=\frac{E_{\gamma}}{m_{Q}} \) is the photon energy ratio, \( C_{a} \) are parton distribution functions, \( D_{a\rightarrow\gamma} \) are fragmentation functions. - The formula for describing B meson decaying into J/ψ is: \[ \Gamma(B\rightarrow H + X)=\sum_{n}C(b\rightarrow c\bar{c}[n]+x)\langle O_{H}[n]\rangle \] where \( \langle O_{H}[n]\rangle \) describes the hadronization of heavy quark pairs, \( C(b\rightarrow c\bar{c}[n]+x) \) describes the short - distance production process. Through these analyses, the paper shows the importance of the color - octet contribution in describing quarkonium physics and provides a method for extracting non - perturbative matrix elements from experimental data.