Three aspects of bosonized supersymmetry and linear differential field equation with reflection

Jorge Gamboa,Mikhail Plyushchay,Jorge Zanelli
Abstract:Recently it was observed by one of the authors that supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSYQM) admits a formulation in terms of only one bosonic degree of freedom. Such a construction, called the minimally bosonized SUSYQM, appeared in the context of integrable systems and dynamical symmetries. We show that the minimally bosonized SUSYQM can be obtained from Witten's SUSYQM by applying to it a nonlocal unitary transformation with a subsequent reduction to one of the eigenspaces of the total reflection operator. The transformation depends on the parity operator, and the deformed Heisenberg algebra with reflection, intimately related to parabosons and parafermions, emerges here in a natural way. It is shown that the minimally bosonized SUSYQM can also be understood as supersymmetric two-fermion system. With this interpretation, the bosonization construction is generalized to the case of N=1 supersymmetry in 2 dimensions. The same special unitary transformation diagonalises the Hamiltonian operator of the 2D massive free Dirac theory. The resulting Hamiltonian is not a square root like in the Foldy-Wouthuysen case, but is linear in spatial derivative. Subsequent reduction to `up' or `down' field component gives rise to a linear differential equation with reflection whose `square' is the massive Klein-Gordon equation. In the massless limit this becomes the self-dual Weyl equation. The linear differential equation with reflection admits generalizations to higher dimensions and can be consistently coupled to gauge fields. The bosonized SUSYQM can also be generated applying the nonlocal unitary transformation to the Dirac field in the background of a nonlinear scalar field in a kink configuration.
High Energy Physics - Theory,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,Mathematical Physics,Nuclear Theory,Quantum Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problems that this paper attempts to solve include the following aspects: 1. **Construction of Minimally Bosonized SUSYQM (Minimally Bosonized Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics)**: - The authors explored how to transform Witten's Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics (SUSYQM) into a form containing only one bosonic degree of freedom, namely Minimally Bosonized SUSYQM, by applying non - local unitary transformations. This form originally emerged in the context of integrable systems and dynamical symmetries. - The formula is expressed as follows: \[ Q_1=-i\sqrt{2}\left(\frac{d}{dx}+W_-(x)R\right),\quad Q_2 = iRQ_1,\quad H=\frac{1}{2}\left(-\frac{d^2}{dx^2}+W_-^2(x)-W_-'(x)R\right) \] where \(W_-(x)\) is the odd superpotential and \(R\) is the reflection operator. 2. **Relationship between Bosonized Supersymmetry and Traditional Supersymmetry**: - The paper studied the relationship between the traditional form and the bosonized form and discussed two other aspects of bosonized supersymmetry: supersymmetry as the same fermionic system and supersymmetry of the Dirac field in the context of a nonlinear scalar field. 3. **Application in Two - Dimensional Dirac Field Theory**: - The authors showed that the same non - local unitary transformation can diagonalize the Hamiltonian of the two - dimensional Dirac field theory. The resulting form is not a square - root form like the Foldy - Wouthuysen transformation, but a linear spatial derivative form and contains the reflection operator. - The transformed Dirac equation is: \[ [iR(\partial_t+\partial_x)+m\sigma_3]\Psi'(t,x)=0 \] where \(R\) is the reflection operator and \(\sigma_3\) is one of the Pauli matrices. 4. **High - Dimensional Generalization and Gauge Interaction**: - The authors further generalized this linear differential equation to higher dimensions and showed how it interacts with gauge fields in special forms. 5. **Existence of Zero Modes**: - Finally, the authors observed that in the case of applying the same non - local unitary transformation to the two - dimensional Dirac field in the soliton background, the phase signal corresponding to bosonized supersymmetry reflects the existence or non - existence of fermionic zero modes. In summary, this paper aims to deeply explore the form of bosonized supersymmetric quantum mechanics and its applications in different physical systems, especially its specific implementation in two - dimensional Dirac field theory. This not only deepens the understanding of supersymmetry and bosonization but also provides new perspectives and tools for future research.