Nearly hyperuniform, nonhyperuniform, and antihyperuniform density fluctuations in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides with defects
Duyu Chen,Yu Zheng,Chia-Hao Lee,Sangmin Kang,Wenjuan Zhu,Houlong Zhuang,Pinshane Y. Huang,Yang Jiao
Abstract:Hyperuniform many-body systems in $d$-dimensional Euclidean space are characterized by completely suppressed (normalized) infinite-wavelength density fluctuations, and appear to be endowed with novel exotic physical properties. In this work, we analyze the effects of localized defects on the density fluctuations across length scales and on the hyperuniformity property of experimental samples of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides. In particular, we extract atomic coordinates from time series annular dark field-scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging data of 2D tungsten chalcogenides with the 2H structure showing continuous development and evolution of electron-beam induced defects, and construct the corresponding chemical-bonding informed coordination networks between the atoms. We then compute a variety of pair statistics and bond-orientational statistics to characterize the samples. At low defect concentrations, the corresponding materials are nearly hyperuniform. As more defects are introduced, the (approximate) hyperuniformity of the materials is gradually destroyed, and the system becomes non-hyperuniform even when the material still contains a significant amount of crystalline regions. At high defect concentrations, the structures become antihyperuniform with diverging (normalized) large-scale density fluctuations. Overall, the defected materials possess varying degrees of orientation order, and there is apparently no intermediate hexatic phase emerging. We also construct a minimalist structural model and demonstrate that the experimental samples can be essentially viewed as perturbed honeycomb crystals with small correlated displacements and double chalcogen vacancies.
Soft Condensed Matter,Materials Science,Statistical Mechanics