Effects of Interactive Homework Assignments on Parental Involvement in Homework and Public Primary Schools’ English Learning in Tanzania

Prisca M. Mbogo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.61538/jipe.v12i1.910
Abstract:The factors associated with students’ success in learning may have been addressed but the impact of parental involvement continues to be a significant issue. Some schools in Tanzania post poor learning achievement amid claims that the traditional homework used in Public Primary Schools limit parental involvement and thus parents become not supportive to their children’s’ learning. This paper aimed at evaluating the effects of weekly Interactive English homework on parental involvement in homework and pupils’ English learning. Standard five pupils (N = 100) with their parents and 02 teachers participated in the 08-week study. 02 classes completed IHA (Interactive Homework Assignments) with directions for family and parent involvement. Two classes completed Non-Interactive Homework (no family involvement directions). Parents in Interactive homework group reported significantly higher levels of involvement than did Non-Interactive Parents. Pupils in IHA who more regularly involved parents significantly improved their behavior and skills needed for successful learning than Non-IHA pupils. The findings of this study support the hypothesis that IHA enhances parental involvement in homework and pupils learning in English than did the Non-IHA.
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