A Review of Development of Chemical Sensors

Indrapati Mamatha,,Gajula Malathi,Dharani C,Nandini D,Shiva Prasad K
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59256/ijrtmr.20240401002
Abstract:A comprehensive summary of the most recentre search concentrating on chemical sensors utilizing nano tubes,Nano rods,Nano belts, and nano wiresis given in this article. The experimental principle, sensor device design,sensor mechanism, and multiple significant conclusionsreceivethevastmajorityofourattention.Thefollowingfoursectionsprovide additional information on the creation of chemical sensors based on nanostructured materials: nanotube sensors, Nano rod sensors, Nano belt sensors and Nano wire sensors. Weconcludethisreviewwithpersonalperspectivesonthedirectionstowardswhichfuture research on nanostructured sensors might be directed. At ambient temperature, the nanotube sensors show a far faster response time and a significantly higher sensitivity than the current solid-state sensors. Reversibility of the sensor can be obtained by heating it to a high temperature or by slowly recovering under ambient conditions. Over the past decade, synthesized nanomaterial’s, such as carbon nanotube, nanoparticle, quantum dot, and nanowire, have already made breakthroughs in various fields, including biomedical sensors. Enormous surface area-to-volume ratio of the Nano materials increases sensitivity dramatically compared with macro-sized material. Herein we present a comprehensive review about the working principle and fabrication process of nanowire sensors. Then anotube sensor sex hibit a fast response and asubstantially higher sensitivity than thatofexistingsolid-statesensorsatroomtemperature.Sensorreversibilityisachievedbyslow recovery under ambient conditions or by heating to high temperatures.Synthesized Nano materials, including carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles, quantum dots, and nanowires, have already achieved significant advances in a number of sectors, including biological sensors, during the last ten years. When compared to macro-sized material, the nanoparticles' enormous surface area-to-volume ratio significantly boosts sensitivity. We provide a thorough overview of the fabrication process and operating principle of the nanowire sensor here. Recent advances including self-powering, reusability, sensitivity in high ionic strength solvent,andlong-term stabilityaresurveyedandhighlightedas well.Nanowire isexpectedtolead significant improvement of biomedical sensor in the near future.Advantages and disadvantages of the sensors are provided along with brief descriptions. An electrical device that monitors changes in a quantity, such as voltage, temperature, pressure, or humidity, is called a sensor. As a result, classification is done according to the attribute that a sensor measures. A temperature sensor detects even the smallest variations in its environment or shifts in temperature, such as hot or cold weather. Microelectronic manufacturing techniques have been used to manufacture chemical and electrochemical sensors.Thedevelopment ofchemical sensors has been spurred forward by the recentadvancesinmicromachingtechnology.Chemicalsensorresearchhasadvancedthanksto micro machining methods like sacrificiallayers, plasmaetching, andchemicalanisotropicetching. These methods enable the creation of low mass, low power driven devices as well as controlled working conditions and temperature. Researchersbecameinterestedinthesecarefullychoseninvitronanostructureswhentheywere combined with nanomaterials because the improved properties of these nanostructures led to advances inthe analytical performance of chemical and biosensors. Thisstudycoversthe latest advancements in recognition elements that are integrated in to chemical sensors and bio sensors used in the food, medical, and environmental domains. These elements include both traditional ones like enzymes and antibodies as well as more modern ones like aptomers and phages.Cyclic voltammetry and electron microscopy are frequently used in the characterization of chemically modified sensors and biosensors because they enable the confirmation of electrode mechanisms and surface morphologies. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), among other methods, is a special tool for obtaining information on the sensor surface that is qualitative, quantitative/semi-quantitative, and speciation-related. However, XPS is still not widely applied in this industry. The purpose of this work is to review a few selected studies that demonstrate how wellXPSperformswhencharacterizingthetopsurfacelayersofbiosensorsandchemically Modified sensors. The reader is provided with the necessary background information in a brief introduction to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The use of XPS to characterize sensors appropriate for environmental and food analysis is highlighted.
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