Increasing the Revenue Through Digital Marketing: A lesson learned from a Small Business Enterprise Run by Volunteers of Community with Disability

Vita Dian Herawati,Anindya Rahmaningtyas,Atikah Itsna Z Ulfatirrohman,Hildayanti Eka Pratiwi,Toni Indriawan,Gigih Dutyama Fiddien,Lu Yang,Sarah Taki,Dwi Linna Suswardany
Abstract:Digital marketing has become increasingly important and needed in the NewNormal, especially for small industries such as Amor Ethnic. Amor Ethnic is aself-help group/community with disabilities with businesses in the form ofhands and feet crafts using macrame materials. This micro-enterprise wasaffected by the Covid-19 pandemic so that there were no sales for four monthsduring the pandemic. Therefore, expansion of market reach must be doneimmediately. Amor Ethnic has used Instagram for marketing, but it did not useInstagram marketing optimally. The purpose of this community service wasto improve the knowledge and skills of the Amor Ethnic community in usingInstagram for marketing and to increase their business turnover. Marketing3.0, selecting a caption that reflects FAITH (Feel Assurance in The Heart), waschosen as the uniqueness of Amor Ethnic's marketing approach. Training andmentoring methods were conducted through the WhatsApp and Google Meet applications. The topics were product photography, photo editing, ads and feed design, preparation of Instagram feeds, use of Instagram Ads, analysis ofInstagram Ads insight data, and preparation of content strategies to maximisethe use of Instagram. Evaluation was using pretest and posttest. The resultsshowed there were improved skills in implementing digital marketing usingInstagram. The improvement was seen in improved quality of product photos,Instagram design, followers, profile visits, reach of Instagram accounts, andincreased customer orders and turnover.
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