Representasi Feminisme Eksistensialis Tokoh Wanita dalam Film The Great Wall,
Rizky Wardhani,Zuriyati Zuriyati,Ninuk Lustyantie
Syntax Idea
Abstract:This research aims at the theme of the study of feminism in acting, especially in film. The female figure in this film is described as a strong and spirited female figure. This female figure exists among the domination of men as usual. A female figure is usually portrayed in a feminine role, but in this film, the roles shown are very different. From the role of this female character in this film "The Great Wall", emerges the Existentialist Feminism side, for example, that women are described as a figure who has a level of independence, a way of thinking that is not dependent on men. This study uses descriptive qualitative research using the strategy proposed by Simone de Beauvoir, how women interpret themselves, like 1) work and determine fate; 2) join intellectual groups, think, see, and define to bring about change for women; 3) work and achieve social transformation in society, and 4) refuse to internalize that women are below men. This study shows that the emotional side of a woman cannot change the character of a woman in dealing with problems, this can be seen from the storyline given in this colossal genre film.