Research on Logistics Distribution Service Quality of Fresh Agri-products under C2M Community Group Buying Model
Jing Zhao,Fenfang Ye,Gwang-Soon Jang
Abstract:China's total agri-products e-commerce transactions are growing year on year, but most agri-products e-commerce platforms bear the risk of high logistics costs, high damage rates and poor consumer experience. In order to improve the logistics distribution efficiency and reduce the cost of agri-products e-commerce platforms, a new Customer-to-Manufacturer (C2M) community group buying model has been implemented. In this paper, Fuzzy-AHP is adopted to evaluate the quality level of fresh agri-products logistics distribution services under the C2M community group buying model. Firstly, an index system of 5 primary indicators and 17 secondary indicators is constructed. Secondly, above index system is applied to evaluate the service quality level of the company MT's logistics distribution, and the following problems are found to exist in company MT: Poor quality of service provided by the group leaders,High damage rates, inadequate return and exchange procedures, and lack of timely distribution. Finally, corresponding suggestions are given for the problems of Company MT: Enhancing qualification and training for group leaders, building a whole process cold chain logistics quality control system, improving after-sales procedures, and constructing an efficient supply chain and logistics systems. This research can improve the quality of Company MT's quality level of fresh agri-products logistics distribution services under the C2M community group buying model, enhance it's image and strengthen competitiveness. It also provides some reference for other companies operating the C2M community group buying.
Agricultural and Food Sciences,Business,Computer Science