Mathematical Model Based on Staircase Structure for Impedance Analysis of Non-Ideal and Non-Uniform Processes in Porous Electrodes
Nobuhiro Ogihara,Yuichi Itou
ECS Meeting Abstracts
Abstract:Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis for porous electrodes in energy conversion and storage, described as resistance and capacitance, is widely used to understand their electrochemical processes. These processes include: (i) electronic resistance inside the electrode ( R e ), (ii) ionic resistance in the electrolyte bulk and inside the porous electrode ( R ion ), (iii) electrical double layer formation ( C dl ) and charge transfer resistance at the electrode electrolyte interface ( R ct ) , and (iv) diffusion for charge compensation. As one of the mathematical models in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for porous electrodes, a transmission line model is known, in which the pore structure is described as a cylinder geometry. 1 We have proposed an analytical method that combines the transmission line model with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy using a symmetric cell, 2 and have investigated resistance separation in lithium-ion batteries and its effect on battery performances. 3-5 Due to mathematical constraints, the transmission line model is limited to a representation of an ideal, uniform process model. Here we propose a mathematical model based on a network model consisting of a staircase structure for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy at porous electrodes that can describe not only ideal and uniform processes but also non-ideal and non-uniform processes (Fig. 1), and aims to help elucidate their borderline behavior. 6 The proposed staircase model ( Z SCM ) gives a series equivalent circuit consisting of Z 0 , which is a series circuit of electrode/electrolyte interface impedance ( Z int0 ) and electronic resistance ( R e0 ), and electrolyte resistance ( R ion0 ) as an initial step without pores ( Z SCM0 = R ion(0) + Z 0 ). The one-step model ( Z SCM1 ) is then given a series equivalent circuit consisting of the parallel circuit of Z SCM0 and Z 1 and the electrolyte resistance R ion(1) in series ( Z SCM1 = R ion(1) + ( Z SCM0 −1 +Z 1 −1 ) −1 ). The staircase model is calculated by incorporating the 1 prior step (Fig. 2). Thus, the model with n steps ( Z SCM(n) ) is composed of a series equivalent circuit of the parallel circuit of Z SCM(n−1) and Z n and the electrolyte resistance R ion(n) ( Z SCM(n) = R ion(n) + ( Z SCM(n−1) −1 + Z n −1 ) −1 ). Fig. 3 shows Nyquist plots computed for each input parameter at 50 steps for non-Faradic and Faradic processes in the staircase model. The results are in good agreement with the profiles calculated for the transmission electric model. 2 The presentation will further show examples of the calculated results using the staircase model for non-ideal and inhomogeneous processes and discuss the analysis of impedance behavior using real electrodes reflecting non-uniform processes. References R. de Levie, Electrochim. Acta , 9 , 1231-1245 (1964). N. Ogihara, S. Kawauchi, C. Okuda, Y. Itou, Y. Takeuchi and Y. Ukyo, J. Electrochem. Soc. , 159 , A1034-A1039 (2012). N. Ogihara, Y. Itou, T. Sasaki and Y. Takeuchi, J. Phys. Chem. C , 119 , 4612-4619 (2015). N. Ogihara, Y. Itou and S. Kawauchi, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. , 10 , 5013-5018 (2019). Y. Itou, N. Ogihara and S. Kawauchi, J. Phys. Chem. C , 124 , 5559-5564 (2020). N. Ogihara and Y. Itou, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. , 24 , 21863-21871 (2022). Figure 1
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