Mobbing: causes and ways to overcome
T. Krasiuk,A. Fedorchenko
Analytical and Comparative Jurisprudence
Abstract:The article is devoted to highlighting one of the current problems - preventing mobbing at the workplace and overcoming it, as well as clarifying the causes of this negative phenomenon in order to understand its nature. The changes made to the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine regarding for the prevention of mobbing were analyzed. Attention is focused on the fact that although the legislator has introduced legal mechanisms for protection against mobbing at the workplace, some issues in practice remain open. Such a problematic aspect as the non-regulation at the legislative level of the manager's procedure in case of mobbing facts at the enterprise is detected, because the psychological situation in the work team led by him depends on his attitude to them, as well as the implemented preventive measures to combat mobbing.
Different approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the concept of "mobbing" were analyzed, based on which the most general definition was derived. It is noted that mobbing is a complex social phenomenon with negative consequences that are manifested in various spheres - psychological, industrial and economic, health care, moral, so in order to understand its nature, it is also studied in the context of management and psychology, sociology, ethics and medicine . Therefore, mobbing as a subject of research is multidisciplinary. It is noted that the manifestations of mobbing in the modern industrial and economic sphere for various reasons (high competition, pragmatic approach to building a career, personal defects - vanity, boasting, envy, superior attitude towards colleagues, etc.) are becoming more and more widespread in labor teams. It was emphasized that mobbing can be done by any member of the team, regardless of age, gender, nationality, or, for example, the duration of work in this team or position - both an ordinary employee and his manager.
It was found that the causes of mobbing are different in nature, mainly psychological. A single and general basis for influencing the victims has not been determined yet. It is established that they are individual for each specific case and depend on various factors, often not directly related to the work function of the affected persons. The authors have characterized and analyzed in detail the features and behavior patterns of mobbers and persons who may become victims of mobbing. Attention is drawn to the difficulty of proving the facts of harassment at the workplace by the manager.
The opinions of scientists regarding ways to prevent and overcome mobbing at the workplace have been analyzed. It has been proven that it is practically impossible to completely avoid it, since at any enterprise there may be objective reasons that contribute to the aggravation of the situation. The conclusions form and propose ways to overcome this problem, namely: to oblige the employer to create a position at each enterprise, institution, organization, whose job function includes studying the influence of psychological, economic and organizational factors of production on the labor activity of employees of the enterprise, institution, organization for the purpose of developing measures to create favorable working conditions and increase its efficiency; introduce a mandatory discussion of the general atmosphere, interpersonal relations of employees at a specific enterprise, institution, organization at general meetings of the labor team and, based on their results and own professional observations, conduct a systematic analysis of the psychological state of the team.