Technological principles for providing the durability of bus bodies in the production process
Dmytro Ruban,Lubomir Kraynyk,Yuriy Kraynyk,Vadim Dzoba,,,,
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Abstract:The article describes the technological principles of ensuring the durability of bus bodies. Features of technologies on increase of corrosion resistance of bodies of buses of public transport are resulted. The basic tendencies at the modern enterprises on improvement of anticorrosive protection and manufacturing of bodies of buses are considered. New materials for the manufacture of bus bodies are presented. The application of new technologies in the production of small-class bus bodies was introduced in Ukraine in the late 1990s. This was a design development of OJSC «Ukravtobusprom», which was used at OJSC «Cherkasy Bus» since the beginning of production of «Bogdan» buses. The body of the bus «Bogdan» A091, in the process of improvement, received a non-seeded structure, which had a number of significant advantages. The use of glued front and rear fiberglass panels on these buses has significantly increased the corrosion resistance of the bus body. To protect against corrosion of the side panels began to use steel sheets with double-sided galvanizing, which were welded to the uncovered frame of the body. With further improvement of the technology of corrosion protection, the body frame was completely covered with anti-corrosion, highly adhesive soil. In the places of welding of the cladding panels, the frame pipes are covered with heat-resistant conductive soil. Today, galvanized side panels are glued to JSC «Cherkasy Bus» in the production of «Ataman» A092H6/16 buses, which has significantly reduced the number of corrosion cells. At JSC «Ukravtobusprom» the technology of facing of a body provides even less use of steel elements. On TUR A407 and TUR A303 buses, the cladding is made of composite materials (so-called ecobond sheet), which is glued to the frame using Sika technology. Constant improvement of technologies of anticorrosive protection of bodies of buses promotes increase of durability in realities of operation in our state. Because quite often, as real practice shows, operating organizations do not take measures to eliminate the effects of corrosion until the manifestations of structural corrosion, which make it impossible to further operate the bus.