Strategi Pembelajaran Daring Pada Usia 5-6 Tahun Dalam Meningkatkan Bahasa Reseptif Anak Di Tk Ar-Ridho Tangerang

Siti Kamilah Putri
Abstract:The purpose of this study was to determine the online learning strategies aged 5-6 years in improving children's receptive language skills in Ar-Ridho Kindergarten Tangerang. This study uses a qualitative field research approach. With a research time of one month. The research subjects were students of class B TK Ar-Ridho Tangerang, who were 5-6 years old. Sources of data were obtained from representatives of parents, teachers and school principals. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews and documentation, while the analysis of data reduction and data verification. Then using the data validity test technique using data credibility, external validity, reliability, research objectivity test. The results of this study indicate that the learning strategies of children aged 5-6 years in improving children's receptive language in TK Ar-Ridho Tangerang are carried out at home under the guidance of parents and direction from the teacher. The strategies used are conversations, morning journals, free storytelling, singing and others.
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