Teacher's Understanding of Project Learning Models through Children's Comics with STEAM Content in Indonesia
Hapidin,Yuli Pujianti,Erie Siti Syarah,Winda Gunarti
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21009/jpud.171.06
JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Abstract:Comic media is one of the learning media that can contain messages and information about various knowledge, experiences, and events in a complete, interesting, and meaningful way. The contents of these stories can also accommodate a variety of learning content such as science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics known as STEAM content (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). This study aims to obtain information on teachers' understanding of the project learning model and STEAM content used in ECE units. Based on survey research and case studies, this research involved 34 ECE teacher participants representing teachers in the Seribu Islands district, DKI Jakarta. Data collection was carried out using a Google form questionnaire, participatory observation, focused discussions, and document analysis. The research produced several findings, first, comic media is very effective and interesting to provide an overview of STEAM project activities and content for ECE units. Second, learning projects containing STEAM content can be designed through learning tools and teaching modules based on maritime themes. Third, project learning with STEAM content can be one of the characteristics of the implementation of the independent curriculum in ECE units. Finally, the use of comic media in project learning with STEAM content can increase early childhood maritime cultural literacy. It is hoped that the use of comic media will help ECE educators in the Seribu Islands Regency improve their understanding of maritime cultural literacy in early childhood.
Keywords: teacher's understanding, ECE steam content, children's comics
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