Male Erectile Dysfunction Problems in Healthcare Facilities in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

Ever Mkonyi,Maria Trent,Dorkasi L. Mwakawanga,Agnes Fredrick Massae,Michael W. Ross,Zobeida E. Bonilla,Inari S. Mohammed,Gift Gadiel Lukumay,Stella Emmanuel Mushy,Lucy Raphael Mgopa,James Wadley,Dickson Ally Mkoka,Brian Robert Simon Rosser
East African Journal of Health and Science
Abstract:Male erectile dysfunction is a significant public health problem that considerably impacts one's relationships and affects sexual life. However, few studies have been conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa to explore male erectile dysfunction. This study explored how healthcare professionals identify and manage male erectile dysfunction in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Eighteen (18) focus group discussions were conducted with healthcare practitioners (N=60) and students (N=61), stratified by midwifery, nursing, or medicine. Thematic analysis resulted in two main themes: history taking and disease management. Providers and students highlighted different approaches to handling erectile dysfunction, and the results revealed inadequate knowledge among providers on male erectile dysfunction. In addition, the results presented the unmet need of patients with erectile dysfunction in the community, forcing patients to seek care from traditional healers. Therefore, this study recommends comprehensive health training and continuous education for practicing health professionals on sexuality and sexual health across disciplines. Training would potentially increase confidence among healthcare providers when engaging with patients and provide referrals to specialized care to optimize patient outcomes
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