The Development of the Programme of Health-Recreating Activities for Children of Primary School Age with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders, Using Rock Climbing
M.V. Kadieva,O. L. Blagii,V.M. Lishevska
Abstract:The aim of this article was to theoretically justify and develop the programme of health-recreating activities for children with emotional and behavioural disorders, using rock climbing. For the research such methods were used – theoretical analysis of vocational educational and methodical literature and documentary materials, generalization, systematization, abstraction, synthesis, analogy, induction, deduction, logical method, comparative method, structural-functional analysis, physiological, pedagogical methods of research. The development of this programme was based on such principals of health-recreating activities: systematicity; accessibility; voluntarism; compliance of leisure services to local conditions; the principle of interest. Proposed programme allows to compensate the lack of physical activity, contributes to the development of healthy and harmonious person, organisation of healthy and active leisure, teaching positive moral and behavioural qualities, health promotion, engaging children into healthy lifestyle.
For the programme development was used such an algorithm: questionnaire of parents about motives and interests of children about the kinds of physical activities, initial evaluation of physical and emotional state, programme development and its implementation, operational control during the activities, the programme correction, if necessary, progressing the programme. The programme of activities included elements of rock climbing, quests and games. The programme was developed taking according to the level of physical readiness and functional disabilities of each child. The activities at the rock climbing wall proceeded by small group method: 3 to 5 people in the group. In each group, the activities were held 3 times a week, during 60 minutes.