The Influence of Animation and Spatial Augmented Reality Integration on Audience Responses to Immersive Arts.

Auzani Zeda Mohamed Kassim
Abstract:This research examines the integration of animation and Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) to create immersive artworks in gallery environments. As part of exploring the unexplored domain of SAR-animation convergence, the study looks at the spectators' responses towards this innovative approach in the limited gallery spaces, focusing on viewers' engagement and acceptance. By utilising a combination of research approaches—including audience surveys and creative experiments—the study uncovers the potentials of animation-SAR-based immersive experiences. The results highlight the potential of this growing area, notwithstanding obstacles such as high costs and implementation complexity. The research indicates that immersive art engages viewers to a deeper level and can have an emotional impact; it enriches the viewers' experiences and may contribute as a tool to other significant disciplines, such as art therapy.
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