A Cost-Effective Vital Sign Monitoring System Harnessing Smartwatch for Home Care Patients

Dodon Turianto Nugrahadi,Rudy Herteno,Mohammad Reza Faisal,Nursyifa Azizah,Friska Abadi,Irwan Budiman,Muhammad Itqan Mazdadi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29207/resti.v7i6.5126
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
Abstract:Pap smear is a digital image generated from the recording of cervical cancer cell preparation. Images generated are susceptible to errors due to relatively small cell sizes and overlapping cell nuclei. Therefore, an accurate analysis of the Pap smear image is essential to obtain the right information. This research compares nucleus segmentation and detection using gray-level cooccurrence matrix (GLCM) features in two methods: Otsu and polynomial. The data tested consisted of 400 images sourced from RepoMedUNM, a publicly accessible repository containing 2,346 images. Both methods were compared and evaluated to obtain the most accurate characteristics. The research results showed that the average distance of the Otsu method was 6.6457, which was superior to the polynomial method with a value of 6.6215. Distance refers to the distance between the nucleus detected by the Otsu and the Polynomial method. Distance is an important measure to assess how closely the detection results align with the actual nucleus positions. It indicates that the polynomial method produces nucleus detections that are on average closer to the actual nucleus positions compared to the Otsu method. Consequently, this research can serve as a reference for future studies in developing new methods to enhance identification accuracy.
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