Introduction to Counting Symbols in Early Childhood with Stick Math (STIKMA) Educational Tool Games

Nurhenti Dorlina Simatupang,Sefy Amaliatus Sholichah,Irena Agatha Simanjuntak
JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Abstract:This research aims to improve the ability to recognize the number symbols 1-10 using the Stick Math educational game tool (ETG STIKMA). This research method uses a quasi-experimental design with a control group to test the effectiveness of using ETG STIKMA on the ability to recognize numbers. ETG STIKMA learning media has been tested by material experts and media experts who are experienced and competent in their fields. Data collection techniques use questionnaires and observation. The material expert's validation results were 80%, then the media expert gave a result of 97%, which means that the media and materials contained in STIKMA media are suitable for use to improve the cognitive abilities of children aged 5-6 years at Fatimah Az-Zahro Kindergarten. The effectiveness test results show that children's cognitive abilities in recognizing numbers 1-10 have increased by 10.50% with a positive rating of 210.00. 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