Project management in medicine on the experience of the program "Face Clinic" implementation.

S.S. Petrikov,K.N. Tsaranov,L.B. Zavaliy,A.V. Polkovnikov,I.A. Tyrov,А.А. Solovieva,А.А. Tyuryumina,G.R. Ramazanov,M.V. Sinkin,O.L. Evdokimova,E.V. Klychnikova,A.A. Grin,,,,,,,,,,,,
Manager Zdravookhranenia
Abstract:A new management method in the public health care system is project management. A i m . Improving the quality of medical care in a public health care institution for patients with neurological disorders of the face through organizational measures using project management. M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The state medical organization has implemented an original program of assistance to patients with neurological disorders in the face in several stages. Used project management. There was no restructuring of medical departments or hiring of new employees. R e s u l t s . At the Sklifosovsky Research Institute, in total for the period 2021–2022, 865 offline (over the year, the growth rate of consultations increased by 2.5) and 48 online consultations with neurologists were conducted, there were 139 MRIs, 180 electrodiagnostic procedures, surgical treatment was performed on 101 patients, and 161 botulinum therapy procedures were performed. Scientific research included the development of protocols for magnetic resonance imaging and electrodiagnostics, an algorithm for making decisions about surgical care was described, and new methods of physical rehabilitation were proposed. 28 scientific articles were published, the results were reported at scientific and practical conferences and congresses. A team of specialists has developed a postgraduate educational program. Provided patient education. The Face Clinic project is recognized as socially important. C o n c l u s i o n s . For a specific group of patients, in order to quickly achieve results, it is better to organize work through project management. It is necessary to teach doctors management tools.
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