Description of food hygiene and sanitation as well as the presence of Salmonella sp bacteria in dumpling snacks sold in the front area of SD Poasia District, Kendari City

Fithria, Lisma,La Ode Ahmad Saktiansyah
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
Abstract:Siomay snacks are one of the popular foods among the people in Poasia District, Kendari City. The implementation of hygiene and sanitation among handlers shows that it is still not good, especially in implementing hygiene in processing dumplings, thereby allowing bacterial contamination to occur which causes disease transmission. The 2021 Kendari City Health Service Data Report shows that typhoid fever ranks 9th out of the 10 largest cases with a total of 1,628 cases. The aim of this research is to determine the description of food hygiene and sanitation as well as the presence of Salmonella sp bacteria in dumpling snacks sold in the front area of ​​SD Poasia District, Kendari City in 2023. This research uses a Quantitative Descriptive type of research with a sampling technique using Total Sampling. The results of this research show that of the 10 dumpling samples sold in the front area of ​​the Poasia District Elementary School, Kendari City, there was 1 (10%) dumpling sample that was positive for Salmonella sp bacteria and 9 (90%) dumpling samples were negative for Salmonella sp bacteria. Of the 10 handlers, 4 (40%) of the siomay food handlers did not meet the requirements of RI Minister of Health Decree No. 942/MENKES/SK/VII/2003 and there are 6 (60%) handlers who meet the requirements of the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Decree No. 942/MENKES/SK/VII/2003. The conclusion of this research is that in terms of the presence of bacteria, the quality of the siomay food is a small part that does not meet the requirements and in terms of the hygiene and sanitation of the handlers, the majority of it meets the requirements of the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Decree No. 942/MENKES/SK/VII/2003 concerning Sanitary Hygiene for Snack Foods. The suggestion from this research is for handlers to further improve the application of sanitary hygiene in processing dumplings.
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