Sum Rules for Semi-Leptonic B → C and B → U Decays: Accuracy Checks and Implications
Wen-Feng Duan,Syuhei Iguro,Xin-Qiang Li,Ryoutaro Watanabe,Ya-Dong Yang
Abstract:The semi-leptonic b → c l ν processes are receiving a lot of attention, as the lepton flavor universality violation has been hinted by the measured ratios R_D^(*) = Γ(B → D^(*)τν)/Γ(B → D^(*)ℓν) for ℓ = e,μ. Recently, it has also been pointed out that the baryonic counterpart, R_Λ_c = Γ (Λ_b →Λ_c τν)/Γ (Λ_b →Λ_c ℓν), has a strong correlation with R_D^(*), referred to as the R ratio sum rule in this paper. The correlation is almost independent of the new physics (NP) contributions and hence can predict R_Λ_c from the measured R_D^(*). On the other hand, we have fewer measurements and/or theoretical studies of the semi-leptonic b → u l ν processes, although the same arguments can be applied to the ratios R_π, R_ρ, and R_p as above. Since these processes are measurable at the ongoing LHCb run-3 and/or Belle II experiments, precise studies on them are important as well. In this paper, we obtain the semi-analytic formulae for all the aforementioned R_X ratios in the presence of model-independent NP contributions by using the available lattice QCD and/or light-cone sum rule fits to the form factors. Two novel points are highlighted: (i) We evaluate uncertainties of R_X including both the Standard Model (SM) and NP terms, inherited from the form factor fits, and discuss how the uncertainties affect the R ratio sum rules. (ii) We obtain the R ratio sum rule among the semi-leptonic b → u l ν processes for the first time, which provides a complementary motivation for observing these processes. In addition, based on our model-independent results, we investigate how the different NP scenarios work in the b→ c and b→ u sectors and perform a combined study in the framework of SM effective field theory with specific flavor symmetries.