Tubal ectopic pregnancy in acute abdominal presentation: A case control analysis
Banuhan Şahin,Andrea Tinelli
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14744/tjtes.2021.93903
Abstract:Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate the demographic data, clinical findings, ectopic pregnancy (EP) localization (left or right-sided), and treatments versus clinical presentation of tubal pregnancies (TP) with or without acute abdomen. Methods: Pregnants with a diagnosis of TP, selected for acute abdomen or not, were evaluated and compared, concerning EP local-ization (right/left), age, parity, symptoms (menstrual delay, vaginal bleeding, and groin pain), initial β-hCG value, endometrial thickness, presence of rupture, and treatment type (methotrexate and surgery). Results: On a total of 122 pregnants with TP, 32 showed acute abdomen, 45 had a TP located in the right tube and 32 in the left tube. In the acute abdomen group, parity, initial β-hCG level, and endometrial thickness were greater than non-acute abdomen group. In addition to this, the frequency of bleeding complaints, right-sided TP, rupture, and need for surgery were higher, than to the non-acute abdomen group. The frequency of the previous EP and methotrexate treatment was higher in those with the left-sided TP compared to those with the right-sided TP. Conclusion: EP rate, in patients with TP who applied to the emergency department with acute abdominal symptoms, was mostly located in the right tube with greater frequency of salpingectomy in open surgery.