Strange correlators for topological quantum systems from bulk-boundary correspondence
Luca Lepori,Michele Burrello,Andrea Trombettoni,Simone Paganelli
Abstract:"Strange" correlators provide a tool to detect topological phases arising in many-body models by computing the matrix elements of suitably defined two-point correlations between the states under investigation and trivial reference states. Their effectiveness depends on the choice of the adopted operators. In this paper we give a systematic procedure for this choice, discussing the advantages of choosing operators using the bulk-boundary correspondence of the systems under scrutiny. Via the scaling exponents, we directly relate the algebraic decay of the strange correlators with the scaling dimensions of gapless edge modes operators. We begin our analysis with lattice models hosting symmetry-protected topological phases and we analyze the sums of the strange correlators, pointing out that integrating their moduli substantially reduces cancellations and finite-size effects. We also analyze instances of systems hosting intrinsic topological order, as well as strange correlators between states with different nontrivial topologies. Our results for both translational and non-translational invariant cases, and in presence of on-site disorder and long-range couplings, extend the validity of the strange correlators approach for the diagnosis of topological phases of matter, and indicate a general procedure for their optimal choice.
Strongly Correlated Electrons,Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Quantum Gases,High Energy Physics - Theory,Quantum Physics