河北省崆山白云洞喀斯特景观保护研究 Study on the Protection of Karst Landscapes in Baiyun Cave of Kongshan Mountain, Hebei Province

Chongyang Li,Y. Wan,Y. Liao,Shaohua Wang,Luyao Gao
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12677/AG.2018.81008
Abstract:河北省临城崆山白云洞发育在以下古生界寒武系为主的碳酸盐岩地层中,是中国北方罕见的大型喀斯特溶洞。洞穴系统平面上呈近南北向延伸的“P”形,洞域面积约32,550 m2,垂向上可分为三层,上层为大型厅堂状,中层和下层为廊道状,各层洞穴以沿陡倾断裂侵蚀、溶蚀而成的通道相连。白云洞拥有形态各异、成因类型多样的喀斯特景观,其中玉簪对宝瓶、五腿神鹿、网状卷曲石、横天一枝等沉积景观、洞顶和洞壁窝穴等侵蚀景观、金钩倒挂等蚀余景观都具有极高的观赏价值和科学研究价值。然而,白云洞自更新世形成至今,曾经历了多次构造运动破坏,而且随着洞穴环境变化以及近年来旅游人数的大幅度增长,洞穴景观损毁日趋严重。洞体岩石破碎、结构稳定性差、洞内景观劣化等问题已较大程度地制约了当地旅游业发展。因此洞穴景观资源保护和洞穴环境治理是当前面临的重要而紧迫的任务。 Baiyun Cave in Lincheng, Hebei Province formed in the Cambrian-dominated carbonate strata of the Lower Paleozoic Erathem is a rare and unique large karst system in Northern China. The cave system is “P” shaped along the north-south direction with an area of about 32,550 m2. It can be di-vided into three layers in the vertical direction; the caves in the upper layer is a large hall-shaped; the middle and the lower parts are corridors; each part was connected by the eroded-dissolved channels along steep faults. Baiyun Cave has different forms and various types of karst landscape. Many sedimentary landscapes like “hosta to aquarius”, “five-leg deer”, “reticular helictite”, “Heng-tianyizhi” etc. and other erosion landscapes such as the potholes in the roofs and walls of the caves, and eroded remnant landscapes such as “Gold hook upside down”, have excellent ornamental value and scientific research value. However, Baiyun Cave has suffered a number of tectonic movements since its establishment in the Pleistocene. With the environment changes of the cave and the large increase in the number of tourists in recent years, the damage of the cave landscapes has become more and more serious. The problems such as rock crush, poor structural stability and landscape deterioration in the cave and other issues have restricted the development of the local tourism. Therefore, the protection of the cave landscape resource and environmental management of the cave is currently facing an important and urgent challenge.
Environmental Science,Geology
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