Disentangling direct and indirect effects of forest structure on biodiversity: Bottom‐up and top‐down effects between forestry, bats and their insect prey

Anna‐Lena Hendel,Jacob C. Douma,Sara Klingenfuß,João M. C. Pereira,Laura Ruppert,Andreea P. Spînu,Julian Frey,Martin Denter,Xiang Liu,Ilse Storch,Alexandra M. Klein,Veronika Braunisch
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14822
IF: 6.865
Journal of Applied Ecology
Abstract:Using structural equation modeling, our research uncovers the complex impacts of forest management on bats and insects, revealing both top‐down and bottom‐up effects. We found that forest management practices and structural characteristics shape bat guild activity both directly and indirectly by altering insect prey abundance and diversity. Short‐range echolocating (SRE) bats responded positively to moth abundance, while long‐range echolocating (LRE) bats were associated with ground beetle availability. Notably, mid‐range echolocating (MRE) bats exhibited a top‐down influence on moth populations, suggesting predation or moth avoidance behavior. While forest management increased prey insect abundance and site accessibility for foraging bats, it simultaneously reduced roost availability. Timber‐oriented forest management profoundly alters forest structure and composition, with complex effects on associated biodiversity. However, while species' responses to forest management and resulting structural characteristics have been the subject of numerous studies, direct and indirect effects that cascade through trophic levels are rarely disentangled. As insectivorous bats are particularly sensitive to changes in forest structure, that shape their available flight space, we investigated how forest structure, composition and management also indirectly modify their habitats, for example, by affecting important insect prey groups. We used structural equation models (SEMs) to test bat responses to forest composition, structure (forest heterogeneity, old‐growth attributes) and management intensity, quantifying direct and indirect prey‐mediated effects. For that, three bat guilds—short‐ (SRE), mid‐ (MRE) and long‐range echolocating (LRE) bats—and their prey insects (moths and ground beetles) were analysed from 64 sites in the Black Forest, Germany. We found guild‐specific effects on bats: While the structural heterogeneity of forests directly influenced the activity of bat guilds, the main influence of forest management, composition and structure was mediated through their prey‐groups. SRE activity responded to moths and LRE activity was associated with ground beetles, with positive effects of the insect groups' abundance, but negative effects of the same group's species richness. In addition, the SEM approach revealed a negative top‐down relationship between MRE activities and moths, suggesting predation or avoidance behaviour of moths. While forest management directly or indirectly increased prey insect abundance, it negatively affected the availability of roosting structures for bats. Synthesis and applications. The results highlight the indirect and positive effects of forest management on bats and support the important role of bats in insect regulation within continuous cover forests. Although forest management created small gaps that improved foraging habitats for most bats, it compromised the roosting functionality for bats. The 'close‐to‐nature forestry' currently prevalent in Europe mainly promotes continuous‐cover forests in mid‐successional stages. Expanding the forest management portfolio towards open and old‐growth forests would increase roosting opportunities and provide complementary foraging habitats for different bat species, while promoting high biodiversity in managed forest landscapes. Zusammenfassung Die in Europa weit verbreitete Naturnahe Waldwirtschaft verändert sowohl die Struktur als auch die Zusammensetzung der Wälder und hat weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die Biodiversität. Während viele Studien die direkten Auswirkungen der Bewirtschaftung und die daraus resultierenden strukturellen Merkmale von Wäldern untersuchen, werden die direkten und indirekten Effekte auf Arten, etwa entlang der Nahrungskette, jedoch nur selten differenziert analysiert. Da Fledermäuse sehr empfindlich auf Veränderungen der Waldstruktur reagieren, haben wir untersucht, wie sich die Waldstruktur, ‐zusammensetzung und ‐bewirtschaftung indirekt über den Einfluss auf wichtige Insektengruppen auf ihren Lebensraum auswirken. Mit Strukturgleichungsmodellen (SEM) haben wir die Reaktionen von Fledermäusen auf die Waldzusammensetzung, die Struktur (Waldheterogenität, Merkmale alter Wälder) und die Bewirtschaftungsintensität untersucht und die direkten sowie indirekten Auswirkungen, die durch Beuteinsekten vermittelt werden, quantifiziert. Dazu wurde die Aktivität von drei Fledermausgilden – nah an Waldstrukturen fliegende Fledermäuse (short‐range echolocators = SRE), in halboffenen Lufträumen jagende Fledermäuse (mid‐range echolocators = MRE) und im offenen Luftraum jagende Fledermäuse (long‐range echolocators = LRE) – sowie die Häufigkeit und Vielfalt von Nachtfaltern und Laufkäfern auf 64 Waldstandorten im Schwarzwald untersucht. Die Analysen zeigten gilden‐spezifische Auswirkungen der Waldstruktur auf die Fledermausaktivität: Während die strukturelle Heterogenit -Abstract Truncated-
biodiversity conservation,ecology
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