The use of case technology in the study of the discipline «Spiritual-moral and civil-patriotic education of students» with students of a pedagogical profile
Nadezhda I. Nikonova,Svetlana Yu. Zalutskaya,,
Perspectives of science and education
Abstract:Introduction. Modern socio-economic realities have actualized the issues of spiritual and moral education in the process of professional development of students of Russian universities, including the problems of content, the hierarchy of spiritual and moral values of students, their pedagogical regulation by adequate methodological means. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the effectiveness of case technology as a way of designing and solving problematic moral situations in the study of works of Russian classical and modern literature within the framework of the new discipline "Spiritual-moral and civil-patriotic education of students". Materials and methods. The methods of questioning, qualitative analysis of statistical data, written survey in essay format were applied. The survey involved 40 respondents from among the first-year students of the direction «Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)» of the Philological Faculty of the North-Eastern Federal University. Results. It was revealed that universal human values are most important for respondents: «life» (82.5%), «human rights and freedoms» (80%), «dignity» (32.5%), «strong family» (25%), «humanism» (20%), «mutual assistance and mutual respect» (20%). The least significant sociocentric values in Russian culture are «service to the Fatherland and responsibility for its destiny», «unity of the peoples of Russia», «collectivism», «historical memory and continuity of generations», «patriotism». The use of case technology made it possible to change the hierarchy of spiritual and moral values of future teachers of the Russian language and literature: at the final stage of the pedagogical experiment, universal values remained a priority for students, however, sociocentric values in the process of studying the course «Spiritual, moral and civil-patriotic education of students» became more significant than at the initial stage of the study. Conclusion. In scientific research, there are different approaches to determining the list of spiritual and moral values that are relevant for today's generation of students; it is possible to transform the hierarchy of these values in the context of the changing realities of the socio-cultural sphere of the country. The choice of values within the framework of the academic discipline is carried out primarily by the teacher, taking into account the peculiarities of the spiritual and moral environment of the university and the student target audience. Regulation of the hierarchy of spiritual and moral values of students is most fruitful with the use of problematic, student-oriented approaches to learning and dialogization of training sessions. These requirements are best met by case technology. As the main content for the development of cases in teaching students - future teachers of the Russian language and literature, works of art of a small genre by modern authors should be used.