The development of multimodal transportation in Ukraine in the conditions of global trade transformations
Khrystyna M. Prytula,Yaroslava Y. Kalat,Iryna M. Kyryk
Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine
Abstract:The war of the russian federation against Ukraine has provoked the emergence of new challenges and threats to global security, including social and food-, energy-, and logistics-related ones, etc. Therefore, the geography, structure, and logistics of world trade have undergone significant changes and continue to transform in the face of today's challenges. Ukraine, being an important exporter of agricultural products located at the crossroads of the main trade routes Europe-Asia, must adapt to the new realities of the development of the international freight transportation market. Currently, the capacity of the Ukraine-EU border section does not meet modern needs and challenges due to insufficient capacity of transport systems, checkpoints, lack of rolling stock, storage and transshipment terminals, etc., both in Ukraine and in the EU. The development of multimodal transport in Ukraine, including the necessary infrastructure (intermodal terminals, container warehouses, etc.), and the expansion of the list of transport and logistics services are among the ways to solve this problem. The article analyzes the dynamics and structure of international and transit cargo transportation across the customs border of Ukraine in 2014 - 8 months of 2022. The main trends in the passage of vehicles through the Ukraine-EU customs border for January-August 2022 compared to the same period last year are given. Attention is focused on a significant increase in the load of road transport on the customs land border of Ukraine in 2022. Prospects for increasing freight traffic on the Ukraine-EU border in the short-term and long-term perspectives are assessed. The terminology of the study of multimodal transportation in Ukraine is clarified. The peculiarities of the operation of the largest container terminals of Ukraine are studied. Improvement of the state border crossing infrastructure, in particular in terms of increasing the throughput capacity of the Ukraine-EU customs border, should include optimization and stimulation of rail freight transportation, restoration and increase of production capacities for cargo handling of railway terminals, development of a network of intermodal and transshipment terminals, creation of border "dry ports" and cross-border logistics hubs with the introduction of joint control by the authorities of neighboring countries, and simplification of border crossing procedures for multimodal and contrail transportation.