Legal Reconstruction of the Sharia Banking Act Standard Regulation Based on the Values of Justice

Bambang Tri Bawono,Mochamad Rizqi Sismanto,Ahmad Rofiq
Abstract:This research aims to analyze and discover the weaknesses of the regulations for making Sharia banking deeds that do not yet have certainty value and how to reconstruct the standards for making Sharia banking deeds, the authenticity and legal force of notarial deeds used in Sharia banking practices based on the value of certainty in a normative legal research which examines legal norms in regulations that examine the research object. The data used in this research is secondary data, namely primary legal material in the form of laws and regulations governing criminal sanctions. Secondary legal materials in the form of scientific literature and previous research discussing criminal sanctions and tertiary legal materials in the form of legal dictionaries. Based on the results of data analysis, it is concluded that there are two weaknesses in the regulations for making Sharia Deeds in this case: a. The Sharia notarial deed agreement does not conform to the format according to Article 38 UUJN, especially the placement of the word "Bismillahhirrahmanirrohim" and the word "Alhamdulillah". b. The inconsistency of the Sharia notarial deed agreement in its substance is that there is a clause for immediate collection of all Murabahah debts and delivery/disposal of goods and this is clearly contrary to the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council number 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 concerning Murabahah therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct Article 38 paragraph (3) UUJN concerning deed bodies.
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