Quality of Life Among Family Caregivers of Disabled Children in Saudi Arabia
Ghofran H. Sulaimani,Shady Kamel,Ghadi Alotaibi,Nada Telmesani,Ghofran Sulaimani,Shady Kamel,Ghofran H Sulaimani
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.41320
Abstract:BACKGROUND: The physical and mental health of parents can be adversely affected by their child's disability, leading to a potential decline in their overall Quality of Life (QoL). This research aimed to determine the QoL of family caregivers and compare this based on sociodemographic factors and child characteristics.MATERIALS AND METHODS: An analytical cross-sectional design was employed, and data were collected from multiple rehabilitation centers for children with special needs and learning disorders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study sample comprised 95 family caregivers who completed a self-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire included sections on sociodemographic characteristics, child characteristics, and caregivers' QoL assessed using the RAND 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). The collected data were analyzed using the IBM Corp. Released 2022. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 29.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp, employing descriptive statistics and multivariate linear regression analysis.RESULTS: Our findings revealed that the overall mean QoL score among caregivers was 57, ranging from 12 to 94. There were no statistically significant differences in QoL scores based on caregivers' age, gender, occupational status, or income. However, further analysis indicated significant associations between certain factors and specific domains of QoL. Specifically, caregiver education was found to be associated with role limitations due to emotional problems, while relationships with disabled children were linked to emotional well-being. The severity of the child's disability and the presence of another child with a disability in the family were associated with the bodily pain domain. Additionally, the presence of another child with a disability had an impact on perceived change in the health domain.CONCLUSIONS: The QoL of family caregivers varied, highlighting the significant challenges faced by certain individuals. Factors such as education level, the relationship with the child, the severity of the disability, and the presence of multiple disabled children in the family were identified as influencing caregivers' QoL. These findings emphasize the importance of developing targeted interventions that can address emotional well-being and fatigue management while promoting a supportive society.