Community Participation in the Management of School Facilities and Infrastructure Development (Study on the Different Effects of Gender, Age, Employment Status, Income and Educational Background of School Committee Members on School Committee Participatio

Nugraha Suharto,Edy Sofyan
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
Abstract:One of the accelerations to create process of nation and character building, is through WAJAR DIKDAS 9 Year policy. Friction of system paradigm in national education based on UU No. 20 Year 2003 about management of education, marked by applying of Management model Base on School (MBS) and enableness of society which decanted in Kepmendiknas No. 044/U/2002 about function and role of Education Council and School Committee. In reality, not all society in the area are comprehended in implementation of Kepmendiknas. 044/U/2002. This Understanding level, influenced by various factors, one of them is society characteristic. Base on the condition, hence this research try to study about difference of influence of committee members characteristic to school to role of school committee in management development of school facilities and basic school facilities at SMP Negeri in Sub-Province of Bandung. Approach which used in this research is quantitative approach with data-processing technique through model of Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA). Research Sample are 85 responders, consist of: member and official member of determined School Committee through multi stage ramdom sampling. Result of this Research lay open that 1) the Role School Committee in Management Development of School Facilities and basic School facilities (Y) pertained at category ' Good Enough'. And 2) There are difference of influence which is significant between Age (X2), Work Status (X3), Salary (X4) and Education Background (X5) to the role of school committee in management development of school facilities and basic school facilities. While one variable, namely Gender (X1) do not have significant difference of influence the implication its need to develop a model of enableness in society by paying attention to the aspects: 1) school committee member recruitment; 2) Cooperation principal of school committee with school; And 3) Demand and requirement of school. Refer to the third mentioned above, this research is recommended: First, it is required to constructed and developed cooperation principles between school committee with school constituted by transparency and accountability. Second, in recruitment of school committee members, need a clear standard of criteria or minimal conditions which consist of: age, work status, education background and salary. And third, need the existence of socialization activity of function and role of school committee in more comprehensive through routine meeting programs of school committee which coordinating with Education Council and various of the interested parties.
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