Systematization of industrial technogenic risks at mining enterprises
Viktor Alenichev
Abstract:Research objective is to develop a general approach to systematizing the signs of mining territories, natural and man-made features safety. Research relevance is due to the need to ensure the safety of economic activity in the territory of mining. Methods of research. Subsoil use implies taking into account multiple factors that lead to the risk of decisions implementation. Risk is considered as a potential, numerically estimated probability of the unfavorable events (situations), their consequences in the form of accidents, human casualties, losses, damages, material losses, etc. Risk is a quantitative assessment of the hazards characterizing a situation with uncertain outcome and obligatory manifestation of unfavorable consequences. It is advisable to assess the safety status of any mining enterprise site by a number of indicators that characterize the system’s resilience to negative impacts caused by infrastructural, natural, geological, technological, economic and financial factors. The risk situation caused by statistical processes is associated with accompanying conditions: the presence of uncertainty, the need for an alternative choice, and the possibility of accepted options (alternatives) probabilistic evaluation. Negative phenomena in subsoil use are manifested in the form of deformation of pit walls and dumps, collapse of an individual or a group of pit benches, destruction of transport lines and power supply utilities, rockfall, beneficiation process flow deviations from the designed one, violations of man-made features and the ecological and biological environment, which should be interpreted as man-made disasters of an industrial nature. Results. The classification of risks as a multidimensional category is justified by the factors (causes) of occurrence, the driving force of which generates a negative process and determines its characteristics or individual features. Conclusions. The systematization of various risks based on infrastructural, mining-geological, process flow and environmental factors ensures, at the initial stage of risk formation, the determination of their characteristics and the development of a system of management measures to ensure the sustainable functioning of a mining enterprise.