Sparticle masses from transverse mass kinks at the LHC: the case of Yukawa-unified SUSY GUTs
Kiwoon Choi,Diego Guadagnoli,Sang Hui Im,Chan Beom Park
Abstract:We explore, in a concrete example, to which extent new particle mass determinations are practicable with LHC data. Our chosen example is that of Yukawa-unified SUSY GUTs, whose viability has been recently studied for two general patterns of soft SUSY-breaking terms. We note that both patterns of SUSY spectra do not admit long decay chains, which would make it possible to determine the masses of the SUSY particles involved using endpoints or mass relations. We thus take the so-called mT2-kink method as our key strategy, since it does not rely on the presence of long decay chains. We then discuss a procedure allowing to determine the masses of the gluino, of the lightest chargino as well as of the first two neutralinos and, for the scenario where a stop is lighter than the gluino, the mass of the light stop too. Our worked example of Yukawa-unified SUSY GUTs may offer a useful playground for dealing with other theories which predict similar patterns of SUSY spectra.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,High Energy Physics - Experiment