The case of SU$(3)$ criticality in spin-2 chains
Chengshu Li,Victor L. Quito,E. Miranda,Rodrigo G. Pereira,Ian Affleck,Pedro L. S. Lopes
Abstract:It was proposed in [(this https URL){Chen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. $\mathbf{114}$, 145301 (2015)}] that spin-2 chains display an extended critical phase with enhanced SU$(3)$ symmetry. This hypothesis is highly unexpected for a spin-2 system and, as we argue, would imply an unconventional mechanism for symmetry emergence. Yet, the absence of convenient critical points for renormalization group perturbative expansions, allied with the usual difficulty in the convergence of numerical methods in critical or small-gapped phases, renders the verification of this hypothetical SU$(3)$-symmetric phase a non-trivial matter. By tracing parallels with the well-understood phase diagram of spin-1 chains and searching for signatures robust against finite-size effects, we draw criticism on the existence of this phase. We perform non-Abelian density matrix renormalization group studies of multipolar static correlation function, energy spectrum scaling, single-mode approximation, and entanglement spectrum to shed light on the problem. We determine that the hypothetical SU$(3)$ spin-2 phase is, in fact, dominated by ferro-octupolar correlations and also observe a lack of Luttinger-liquid-like behavior in correlation functions that suggests that is perhaps not critical. We further construct an infinite family of spin-$S$ systems with similar ferro-octupolar-dominated quasi-SU$(3)$-like phenomenology; curiously, we note that the spin-3 version of the problem is located in a subspace of exact G$_2$ symmetry, making this a point of interest for search of Fibonacci topological properties in magnetic systems.