Marketing Communications for Tourism Development in Ecoethno Leadcamp Site
Dadi Ahmadi,Adhi Iman Sulaiman,Agus Ganjar Runtiko,Agoeng Noegroho,Ray Ibrahim Ar Raqi,Anne Maryani,Yenni Yuniati,Neni Yulianita
Studies in Media and Communication
Abstract:Tourism is a critical sector for national, regional, and rural development, providing job opportunities and increasing income for communities, governments, and private sectors. The success of tourism development requires integrated marketing communications that showcase the natural and socio-economic potential of the region, including its tourist attractions. This study examines the marketing communications strategy of Ecoethno Leadcampsite, a camping ground-based tourist spot in Pangalengan, Bandung Regency, West Java Province. The study used a qualitative case study method with data collected through direct observation, interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), and documentation. The results reveal that Ecoethno Leadcampsite's marketing communications strategy for tourism development is successful in establishing public relations by empowering the surrounding community to become partners, direct marketing, personal selling, and sales promotion with Word of Mouth to fellow tourists and partners, including the use of social media. The study also suggests that Ecoethno Leadcampsite can increase collaboration with educational institutions by developing educational-based tourism or tourism locations in nature conservation, socio-economic, culture, and character building that is creative, productive, and innovative.